Step One: Don’t Be Stupid

I have to confess; spelling mistakes and bad grammar are so cringe-inducing to me that I just want to get out a red pen and mark things up like a stern teacher. I am not the perfect spelling and grammar queen myself, but when I see a Facebook status with the wrong use of their/there/they’re it just drives me nutty.

Usually I can rein my crazy in and keep from commenting on these types of mistakes. For example, I have one friend who sends me emails so terrible I sometimes can’t even figure out what they’re trying to say. I keep my thoughts to myself though, because nobody likes a know-it-all (and they certainly don’t invite one to come out for Happy Hour).

I can excuse the misspelled words in my personal life, but I cannot believe how often it pops up in the business world. I receive so many business emails from high-level executives that look like a drunken cat pounded the keys with his tail.

It doesn’t matter how busy or important you are (or think you are), when you send a misspelled business email you are representing yourself and your company. By shooting off an email riddled with spelling mistakes and typo’s, you are saying that you’re either too stupid to write a simple email or you think your time is more important than mine. As the recipient of these emails, a client may feel that the amount of time and attention you give your correspondence is a reflection of the time and attention you give your work.

So, use that crazy new-fangled invention called spellcheck on every single email that leaves your outbox. It may not catch every mistake, but at least I won’t be getting notes that “thnak” me for my time.

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Hello world!

Wow, my very first blog post — this is pretty intimidating! I guess I could start with giving you an idea of what to expect as a reader of this blog.

I decided to start a blog partially because I had people asking me why I don’t have a blog. I guess I tend to have a big, fat mouth and enjoy spouting off about everything from the best way a small business can use social media to how freaking great Being Human was this week. Since everyone and their mother has a blog (literally, there are a ton of mommy bloggers out there!), I figured why not join in? The worst thing that can happen is absolutely nobody cares about anything I say and nobody bothers reading this. Honestly, just having the freedom to write about anything I want is so liberating it’s almost crippling.

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