BlogHer 2013 in Pictures (because I’m tired from too much BlogHer-ing)
Hey peeps! Like the other 4,999 BlogHer attendees, I feel like I need to add my two cents* about the fabulous BlogHer spectacular.
However, I’m tired.
BlogHer is a little more hard-core than my normal life and a full day of conferences followed by a full night of parties makes me a sleepy girl. Such a sleepy girl that when my alarm went off this morning at 5:45, I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off and somehow ended up with music blaring and a “nap” function that I didn’t even know I had…
So today you get fun pictures and I promise to fill you in on some more BlogHer awesomeness in the next post:
My flight was delayed and I was bored… so I ended up with a delicious Moscato and appetizer to snack on while waiting for my plane. I also got some weird smoked salmon things that weren’t so good. Or filling. Which is why I might have been a little tipsy.My first STAR sighting. I hugged the Pillsbury Doughboy like a BOSS!Can you see the fear in my eyes in this picture? I was legitimately afraid because Optimus Prime was flailing his hands around and I though he might bop me in the head and knock me out.Doesn’t my skirt kind of look like I belong with these guys (who are dressed in La-Z-Boy upholstery to match the chairs)Some of my amazing friends that I was able to hang out with for the weekend! Me, Katie (Words for Worms), Lauren (Filing Jointly) and giving us bunny ears is Kari (A Grace Full Life), Danielle (Red Devil & Associates) and Marianne (We Band of Mothers).Me and Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman)Me and Brit (from Brit + Co). She KNEW WHO I WAS!!!Queen Latifah. I wish I could have gotten a pic with her, but she was rushed off as soon as her job was done.I love this picture. Kari (A Grace Full Life) looks fun and innocent and I look like I’m up to no good. (PS, I WAS up to no good…)Yes, I’m doing a Charlie’s Angels pose. This was after a LONG night of partying… In the back is me, Jen (Me, Myself & Jen) and Danielle (Red Devil & Associates). In the front is Katie (Words for Worms) and Kari (A Grace Full Life). And yes, Katie is jauntily holding a flag.
I’m not sure if you can tell by the pictures, but I had an AMAZING time. I learned a bunch, had fun at the expo hall (while getting some great marketing ideas for the future) and hung out with a really awesome group of ladies!
I asked over on my Facebook page what you all wanted to know about the BlogHer conference and I will make sure to include everything you ask for in my next post. So if you have something you want to know, go ahead and leave a question in the comments or stop by my Pocketful of Joules Facebook page and add it there!
* Where the heck is the ‘cent’ key? I looked for like FIVE MINUTES to try and figure out how to type 2 cents and then just gave up!
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10 thoughts on “BlogHer 2013 in Pictures (because I’m tired from too much BlogHer-ing)”
I made the blog!!!!
I am so excited!!
This was THE best conference EVAH.
I mean, it was my first but I am sure in the history of blog conferences, just with us being there made this THE best conference EVAH.
I can’t wait until the next one!
Unless we can somehow finagle a visit before then.
I just said finagle…..
Love you bloggie BFF!!
Kari – I LOVED meeting you in person. Really, you’re like one of my favorite people ever now! And anytime you want to come and visit Maryland we will make it work! =)
And because you asked and because I was an accountant in a former life and actually know this, to make the “¢” sign on a PC you have to hit number lock and then hold Alt whilst pressing 0162. On a Mac it’s just Option + 4.
Looks like a blast. Definitely going next year!
It was super fun! Not only did I have a great time with my girls, I learned a lot too! =)
You were SO CUTE with Brit! She DID know who you were too! That’s awesome that she was so fabulous in person!!!!
Oh my gosh, I felt like I was fan-girling all over her!
I made the blog!!!!
I am so excited!!
This was THE best conference EVAH.
I mean, it was my first but I am sure in the history of blog conferences, just with us being there made this THE best conference EVAH.
I can’t wait until the next one!
Unless we can somehow finagle a visit before then.
I just said finagle…..
Love you bloggie BFF!!
Kari – I LOVED meeting you in person. Really, you’re like one of my favorite people ever now! And anytime you want to come and visit Maryland we will make it work! =)
Honored to have a) met you this weekend and b) made the blog. You rock!
Jen you are a big ol’ vat of AWESOMESAUCE! I had such a great time with you!
So great seeing you again Joules!
And because you asked and because I was an accountant in a former life and actually know this, to make the “¢” sign on a PC you have to hit number lock and then hold Alt whilst pressing 0162. On a Mac it’s just Option + 4.
¢ OH MY GOSH! I never would have figured that out on my own! ¢¢¢¢