Reviewing the Wantable Intimates Box

Can you believe it is the end of our Fashion week already? After getting some awesome deals at Twice and then using some…um, DESCRIPTIVE words for this month’s Stitch Fix order, I’m happy to move on to something a little more intimate.

And by intimate, I mean intimates.

Don’t be a perv. I won’t be posting pictures of me trying on lingerie. Not gonna happen. So if that is why you stopped by, mosey along Mr. or Ms. Perv Pervy Pants.

What I AM going to do is show you what I got in this month’s Wantable Intimates box!

Wantable actually has three different subscription boxes you can choose from: Makeup, Accessories or Intimates. I would actually love any of their boxes, but I decided to try out the intimates box because I’m currently lacking in the “camis + panties + socks + more” side of things.

Instead of just sending everyone a random assortment of stuff, there is a fun quiz that gauges your preferences in each of their categories of clothing and color preferences. I indicated on my preferences that I love: loungewear, tanks, tights/leggings, socks, “fun and flirty” looks, “pretty and polished” looks and neutrals. I liked: accessories, pantis, camis, shapewear, soft bras and brights. I would have actually disliked soft bras, but that wasn’t an option. My only dislike was hosiery, because I NEVER wear hosiery. EVER.

I was really, really hoping for a tank top that I could use for layering. I’m actually still using tank tops I bought from Target’s maternity line when I was pregnant with Jack. Um…I’m going to guess that goes under NOT sexy. I was also hoping for a pair or two of socks, because for some reason I’m at that point where all of my socks (except my running socks) feel super tight and uncomfortable at the same time. Weird.

The cost of the Wantable Intimates box is $36 if you subscribe (monthly boxes, you can cancel at any time) or $40 for a one time box. Each box will include 4 – 5 premium essentials that are handpicked to “perfectly match your preferences.”

So, I filled out the forms and within a few days a box arrived at my door.

Wantable Intimates Box - Joules

You’ve got to love the “Hello, Knockout” note, right?! Here’s what I got:

Coobie Soft Bra - Wantable - Joules

First up, a soft bra. Hmm… I actually HATE soft bras and only used them when I was pregnant and couldn’t stand to be flopping around all over the place. I tried this one on and YUP, hate it.

QT Intimates - Wantable - Joules

Black panties… okay, these are right up my alley. I mean, a girl has to step it up from cotton panties every so often, right? And these are cute and have a fun little heart charm too. Let’s call these a win!

Mandy Slip - Wantable - Joules

Ok, I really want to be that girl who wears something like this to sleep in and then wakes up looking beautifully tousled like Gisele to make my family homemade pancakes on a weekday. I’m not that girl. I’m a flannel pajama pants and t-shirt kind of girl who wakes up looking like a hot-mess with bangs all over the darn place. This slip is really pretty and even pretty comfortable, but it’s not quite sexy enough to be enticing to wear. Also, it really clings to my tummy… and frankly self-conscious isn’t sexy. This will probably live in the bottom of my drawer until I decide to try and wear it on a hot summer night. Then, I might wear it for an hour or two before I twist out of it and throw it across the room while I’m dead asleep.

Wantable tights - Joules

I’m in love. You already know that I’m a HUGE fan of fleece-lined tights. Well, these are the QUEENS of fleece-lined tights. The waist-band is nice and thick, which means it lays flat on your tummy without rolling or bunching. Also, there are NO SEAMS! My fleece-lined tights from Target have two seams up my backside and one up my middle that always cut into my skin. If I’m hard at work and staring at the computer for a while, when I stand up my butt will actually HURT from the seams being pressed into me for so long. Having NO seams is a WONDER! These are soft, thick, totally opaque… they are quite simply fleecy goodness. LOVE THEM!

All in all, I really liked the Wantable Intimates box experience and I’d love to receive one from my husband for Valentine’s Day. Or our anniversary. Or the week before we go on a vacation. Actually, this would be the perfect thing to be surprised with any time.

Now that I think about it, this would also be an awesome gift for a bride-to-be! Not for the wedding, but for one of the pre-wedding showers. You can give her a pretty card with a gift certificate in there and she can set it up so that she gets exactly her style and size of gifts. Love it!

Something really cool about the Wantable box is that if you don’t like anything in your box you can return it and get your money back. They will even send you a shipping label! I don’t know of ANY other subscription box that lets you do that. Or, if you’re like me and you like a couple items but don’t really like the other two items, they do partial returns.

Here’s their partial return policy: If a customer is looking for a partial return, refunds are assessed based on the individual MSRPs of the items and the total amount you paid for the box, $40. If the total value of the items you choose to keep exceeds $40.00, your partial return will not be approved for refund. If the total retail value of the items you choose to keep is less than $40.00, you will receive the difference back.

I think that this is kind of genius. The fear for many subscription boxes is that you want to be surprised with something awesome for your $40… but then when you don’t like it as much as you thought, you’re just kind of bitter that you wasted the money. Well, here you get the surprise AND a chance to make it right if it doesn’t fully please you. Wantable is SO awesome that they’re actually going to exchange the two pieces that I wasn’t that crazy about. So cross your fingers that I get an cool tank top and/or a pair of snazzy socks!

What do you think, would you love a Wantable Intimates box from your sweetie? Or would you just want to order one for yourself so you get exactly what you want? Do you agree that this will be an awesome bridal shower gift?

Disclaimer: Wantable provided me with my own Wantable Intimates box to review for no cost to me. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. If you choose to purchase a box using my special referral link, I will receive a small referral bonus toward future Wantable purchases. Thank you to anyone who uses my special link and supports my shopping addiction. 

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My 11 Steps for Restarting an Exercise Program

1. Eat too much and gain a few pounds — just enough to make my muffin top demand my attention. Ignore this for a while.

2. Find myself wanting to run or exercise. Shove that thought down with a donut.

3. Decide that I’m going to start working out again. Grab my calendar to find some free time. Realize that I have NO free time and freak out (possibly with a donut).

4. Gain 1 more pound. Get angry at myself and decide that I will start on Saturday.

5. On Saturday, put on my workout clothes and then get distracted by the dust on my nightstand. Clean nightstand.

6. Workout once and post a picture on Facebook. And Instagram.

7. Get busy for 2 weeks.

8. Work out 2 days in a row and strut around the house like a sexy beast.

9. Exercise on and off for a month and watch my muffin top shrink. Strut around some more.

10. Get busy for 6 months and gain 5 pounds.

11. Rinse and repeat.

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Color Running (Kinda)

jackI had mentioned a while ago that I was super excited to do the Baltimore Color Run 5k. I wanted to do the one they held in DC last year, but it was so incredibly popular that it sold out before I could make up my mind to commit. As soon as the Baltimore run registration opened, I jumped on it like a rabid monkey and signed up.

Fast forward a few months and add in a few germs…

Yeah, that’s right. After months of healthiness in my house, everyone got sick. First Travis fell with the full-on “man sick” version of a cold (sorry honey, but you know it’s true and I love you anyway). Then, I came down with a sneezy nose and scratchy throat. As the cherry on top of our sicky party, Jack got the boogery nose that I had been dreading.

Why had I been dreading it? Well, EVERY SINGLE TIME Jack has come down with a cold he’s ended up with croup. Or bronchiolitis. Or RSV. Or all three. So I was sleeping with one eye open waiting for that tell-tale cough to send us all back to the ER again.

Imagine my surprise (and happy dance) when he got through this sickness with JUST a cold. YAY! NO CROUP! NO ER!

We weren’t really sure what to expect when he woke up on Saturday morning though, so I made an executive decision and decided that we would not do our 9:00 am race.

{sad trombone}

BUT, he woke up and was feeling much better so we decided to go and crash the 2:00 race time!

{Happy trombone! Wait, is there such thing as a happy trombone?}

My brother (Jason) and one sister (Kelsey)* both ran the 9:00 race and stuck around for us to join them at 2:00. So pretty much the majority of the pictures in this post are from Kelsey’s phone. Mine was safe inside a plastic baggy, which means all my pictures were blurry…

When we got there, it was a lot hotter than I had thought it would be which is why Jack is practicing his redneck look of wearing JUST a pair of rolled up sweatpants. We didn’t end up running the run, since we were feeling like poo from our colds (and um…lazy) but we had a great time walking it!

before run
Me, Travis and Jack… before the run (um… walk)
Jason and Kelsey after their run.
Jason and Kelsey after their run.
jack after
Jack after the run — with orange feet.
blurry t
This is how almost all my pictures turned out…
Our only “after” shot — I swear, I had color on me!
Kelsey at the after-party!
Jason at the after-party. And yes, his throat hurt like crazy the next day!

OH and in case you are concerned that I took my sick child through those clouds of colorful powder. I’m not an idiot. I threw the rain cover down over the stroller when we went through each color station and we totally avoided the after-party.

Have you done a Color Run? Does it look really awesome to you or like your own version of hell?

* FYI, I have another sister too (Kelsey and Katie are twins) that wasn’t able to come because she was doing an ACTUAL competitive run for her college that day.

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