My Office/Exercise Room Hybrid

With the demolition of my spare bedroom to become a master bathroom and walk-in closet, my ‘exercise room’ needed to find a new home. With everything being displaced for the renovation project, space is at a premium… which means my office needed to work double-duty and it became an office/exercise room hybrid.

My office is a room that already has a lot going on. On one side of the room is my sewing table and organizer that contains everything crafty.

On the other side, is my desk where I telework 2 days each week.

I started by cleaning out the closet (it’s not in the photo, but it exists on the wall to the right of the desk) and dragging my gigantic filing cabinet over to live in there. It’s not SUPER convenient, because I have to remove a bunch of bins in order to access the lower filing cabinet drawers, but eventually when the walk-in closet is done there will be a little more breathing room. Also, it’s nice to have the filing cabinet out of the main room.

I also moved the black storage table that holds my printer to the right side of the desk and moved the white drawer set over next to the sewing table.

This freed up just the perfect amount of space so that I could add my Peloton and mat to the corner of the room.

Other tricks to make the most of my space:

Trick 1: I bought The Pivot for my Peloton screen, so that I could flip it around and do my weights and yoga sessions in the open space in the middle of the room.

Trick 2: I hung my bike shoes on the back of the bike, instead of having them take up space on the floor or in an organizer.

Trick 3 and 4: I rearranged my craft storage to open up one cube, which is where I now store my hand weights and bleach wipes. I also used the spare bit of space next to my cube bookshelf for my yoga mat, yoga blocks and foam roller.

This is the long-term situation for this room, so I’m happy with how it all turned out. Here’s the before & after again:

Organizer side of the room:

Desk + bike side of the room:

I have space to comfortably use the bike and now that I can flip my screen around, I have room for yoga, stretching or weights sessions. The best part is, everything is out of sight when I have to log into a Zoom meeting from home!

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My Peloton: 15 Month Check-In

I actually wasn’t planning to do another Peloton update, but then they launched a new feature and I’m LOVING IT so I had to share!

If you want to catch up with any of my previous My Peloton posts, you can find them all here:

But let’s get right to the fun stuff.

My Current Peloton Stats

I’ve kept a daily Peloton streak going since I first started using the app in December 2020. Every single day, I do something on the Peloton – ride the bike, do a strength workout, mediate, yoga, whatever. I find that keeping up a daily streak helps me take some time to myself on a busy day. Even if it’s a 5 minute mediation… it’s 5 minutes that I gave myself.

My Current Favorite Instructors

I still love Bradley Rose and Cody Rigsby, but I’m now a huge Tunde Oyeneyin fan. I love her energy and I’ve started regularly adding her 10 minute arms workouts to my regular schedule. She posts a new one each month and recommends you do it 3x a week. I also love her House Music rides and when I want to work really hard, I choose Tunde.

My Favorite Update: the Peloton x iWatch Connection

In the past, when I’d start a ride on my Peloton I’d open the fitness button on my iWatch and choose Indoor Cycle so it would track my ride. In order to see my heart rate, I’d have to keep looking over at my wrist, which was kind of annoying. I wasn’t quite annoyed enough to go out and buy a separate heart rate monitor though. But then last week, Peloton launched an update and now the iWatch will connect to the Peloton!

All you have to do is open the Peloton app on your iWatch, then start a workout on your Peloton and within a few seconds your heartrate appears on the bike screen! This allows me to easily keep an eye on my heartrate and see what zone it’s in, so I know if I need to work harder. I LOVE this update and I’m so happy it’s finally rolled out for the Peloton Bike (not just the Bike +). If you have a Peloton and iWatch and need better instruction on how to make them talk to each other, there is step-by-step information here on the Peloton blog.

If you’re a Peloton rider, you can find me on the leaderboard at JoulesGetsFit.

If you are looking to purchase a Peloton, shoot me an email at and I can send you a special referral code to get you money off your purchase!

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My Peloton: 1 Year Check-In

Way back in December 2020, I decided to jump on the Peloton bandwagon. I started with using the Peloton app with a non-Peloton bike and then in May I upgraded to an actual Peloton bike. You can find all my previous check-in posts here:

Now that it has been a full year since I joined the ‘Peloton Cult’ I figured it is the perfect time for another update. For this update, I’m revisiting each of the questions I’ve answered over the past year with my updated responses.

Do I still like the equipment I bought?

In December 2020, I started out with a non-Peloton bike. Here is exactly what I bought:

I was happy with the non-Peloton bike for the first 6 months and it is still working just fine. However, I upgraded to an actual Peloton Bike in May 2021.

Why did I upgrade? Well, after 6 months of consistently using the app and guesstimating the cadence and resistance call-outs, I found that I was no longer challenging myself. Also, after trying a friend’s Peloton, I was shocked at the cadence and resistance monitor’s ACTUAL feedback. When Peloton reached out with a Memorial Day deal, I jumped on it and I have no regrets at all. The Peloton bike is super sturdy and I’ve gotten the hang of the clip-in shoes as well. I like the leaderboard option mostly because I like to compete against my own previous records. I also enjoy the live rides and encore rides, because other people riding with me and hi-fiving is super fun!

As for the CHAOKE bike, I still currently have it set up next to my Peloton. My husband has ridden it a couple times but honestly, it’s just not love for him. So, I think I’ll be listing it on Facebook Marketplace once we start our bathroom/closet renovation project and need the space.

Who are my favorite instructors?

  • Favorite for Cycling: Bradley Rose or Cody Rigsby
  • Favorite for Strength: Adrian Williams or Emma Lovewell (core)
  • Favorite for Yoga: Kristin McGee
  • Favorite for Mediation: Anna Greenberg or Ross Rayburn
  • Favorite for Stretching: Ben Alldis or Adrian Williams

Am I keeping motivated?

You guys. I have consistently exercised for an entire year. AN ENTIRE YEAR. I am the person who has started and then stopped a bazillion exercise programs and gym memberships and I’ve actually stuck with Peloton for A YEAR!

How I’ve kept motivated: I gave myself a goal to do something on the Peloton app each day. It doesn’t matter if it’s a cycling class with a strength class, or just a 5-minute meditation. Every single day, I take a little bit of time just to myself.

And it works! As of today, I have a 53-week streak and I’ve done something EVERY SINGLE DAY.

While I usually just pick a workout based on how I’m feeling that day, I also gave myself a challenge back in October to do Crush Your Core with Emma, a series of core workouts for 4 weeks. The workouts ranged from 5 – 10 minutes each day (some days were ‘off days’ or stretch days) and I did every single one and could really feel my core growing stronger. I plan to do this series again soon!

Do I still use the Peloton app, or just use the bike?

I actually use both the Peloton app and the Peloton bike (which has the app built in to the screen). I have the app on my phone and my kindle, so it’s super easy to grab it and settle down anywhere (even a hotel room) for a nice stretch. I’ve even enjoyed an uplifting mediation on a stressful drive home from work – I just make sure not to get TOO relaxed while driving!

How much weight have I lost?

As for weight, I’m not exactly sure. I’m not sure exactly how much I weighed in December 2020 but I think I’m 2-3 pounds down. As for measurements, I first measured myself at the end of January 2021.

Here are my measurement changes:

  • Bust: – 1/2 inch
  • Belly: – 1 inch
  • Butt: – 1/2 inch
  • Thighs: – 1 inch each

While I am much more active, I didn’t drastically change my diet so I wasn’t really expecting any crazy before/after change. However, I’m currently dealing with some food allergy stuff, so I may have to restrict and/or limit my diet in the near future once I figure out what I’m allergic to.

Overall Thoughts

I’m super happy that I made the choice to first buy the Peloton app and then purchase the Peloton bike. This is the first time I’ve ever stuck with a fitness goal for so long and I’m really proud of myself. I can certainly tell that my endurance has improved over the last year and I really do enjoy jumping on the bike to cycle along and sweat it out to a fun instructor. I’ve also really grown to enjoy the off-bike classes like Yoga and Meditation. Initially, I was thinking I’d end my streak at 1 year and just workout when I felt like it… but I’ve decided to keep it up with doing something every day for year two as well.

If you’re a Peloton rider, you can find me on the leaderboard at JoulesGetsFit.

If you are looking to purchase a Peloton, shoot me an email at and I can send you a special referral code to get you money off your purchase!

Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. This means that clicking on a link may help me earn a small commission at no cost to you.

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