My Thoughts on Noom vs MyFitnessPal

Way back in 2020, I tried Noom for the first time and wrote a review on it. You can find it here: My Noom Review. Basically, Noom is a weight loss app and back then they had a special where it cost $120 for 4 months. I tried it and wasn’t impressed.

So, why am I writing about it again?

Well. When logging into my CareFirst account a few months ago, I got an alert that Noom was now covered under my CareFirst health benefits plan. So, I figured I’d download it again and give it another try. I had a doctor’s appointment coming up a few months later, and I thought it might be useful to track my regular diet/calorie intake so I could come to that meeting with data. Also, free is the right price for me!

With that being said, I’d been tracking my weight for the last few years using MyFitnessPal. I call it ‘weigh in Wednesdays’… I weigh in, I add my current weight to the app, and I close it. However, MyFitnessPal ALSO has meal/calorie tracking that I have used on and off. In fact, I recommended the app (it’s free) to my husband back in the spring when he wanted to start keeping a closer eye on his calorie intake and he has been using it regularly and likes it.

So, with me using Noom and him using MyFitnessPal for meal tracking, I thought it might be helpful to share my thoughts on each app.


Cost: about $42 each month (found the info here) or could be $0 if you are covered under a CareFirst health plan.

You are encouraged to:

  • Weigh in each morning and track it on a chart.
  • Log your food throughout the day and keep track of calories.
  • Read a few articles each day, which are designed by behavioral psychologists to help you make sustainable lifestyle changes, rather than being on a restrictive ‘diet’.
  • You can track water intake.
  • You can have it hook up to your Apple watch to track steps.
  • You also get access to a Lifestyle Coach, as well as a community of other people using Noom.


Cost: I use the free version, so $0. There is a paid version for $19.99 month/$79.99 annual which gives you access to additional stuff like a barcode scan, macro tracking and no ads.

There are really no things you’re ‘encouraged to do’, it’s just a way to track on your own:

  • There is an area where you can weigh in and track it on a chart.
  • There is an area where you can log your food throughout the day and keep track of calories.
  • You can track water intake.
  • You can have it hook up to your Apple watch to track steps.
  • You can track exercise.

So yeah, pretty similar when you get to the nuts and bolts of it. Noom is much more ‘psychological’ in encouraging you to log in every single day, weigh in, read something, participate, etc to make a habit. MyFitnessPal is just an app that allows you to track food and weight.

So, let’s compare how easy it is to just do those two things!

Tracking Food:

On Noom:

  • To log your meals, you can either take a photo of your meal, use the search box to search for a food, or scan a barcode. Once you have foods you regularly eat, you can save them to the “My Meals” tab.
  • Pros: It is super convenient to be able to scan a barcode and have an item pop up.
  • Cons: Unless you add your foods to the “My Meals” tab, you have to enter the name in the search box time and time again, it doesn’t just populate at the top of your list of foods. This is kind of clunky and could definitely be improved.

On MyFitnessPal:

  • If you want to take a photo of your meal to scan it in, or use the barcode, that is part of the premium plan and NOT on the free plan. So, the only way to add food is to search for it and then add it.
  • Pros: Your most recent food adds are automatically shown at the top of the list, which is super convenient. Also, I have noticed that there are many more food options on MyFitnessPal, perhaps because more people have used it over the years?
  • Cons: Barcode searching would be convenient, but not enough to pay $20 a month.

Winner: For me, I feel that once you go through the process of setting Noom up with your most often eaten meals on your “My Meals” tab, it is the winner for logging food and meals. Having the barcode option is super helpful and my husband is very jealous when I’m able to just scan in a protein bar barcode and all the information populates!

Tracking Weight:

On Noom:

  • You are encouraged to weigh in every single day and add it to Noom. Once you do, there is typically some sort of motivational quote. After a week, you can click on your ‘report’, and it will show you the percentages of green/yellow/red foods you ate that week that helped lead to your success.
  • To add your weight, you just click on a button. Easy peasy.

On MyFitnessPal:

  • There is no encouragement or feedback. It’s all on you.
  • To add your weight, you just click on a button. Easy peasy.

Winner: It’s a tie. They are both super easy for weight tracking.

If you are in the market for an app to help you keep track of calories and your weight, it really depends on how much ‘positive reinforcement’ you are looking for. Much like when I tried it in 2020, the Noom articles start out interesting and quickly get on my nerves. Also, I have no interest in the coach or Noom community. With that being said, you don’t need to read the articles or participate.

For me, I simply want to track my food to make sure I’m keeping within my calorie goal, track my weight, and that’s it. For those needs, I find the free version of MyFitnessPal completely sufficient. Sure, you don’t get that handy barcode scanner in the free version, but most of the time I eat the same foods over and over again, so once I enter the information in the first time, I’m good to go.

However, if you have a CareFirst health plan and you can get Noom for free, it doesn’t hurt to give it a try to see if you like the ‘encouragement’ on top of the food and weight tracking. I just don’t think it’s worth the extra money if you have to pay.

Disclosure: This post is not sponsored.

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Our Favorite Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe

Source: Photo by Yasin Aribuga on Unsplash.

I just made another batch of these and thought it was a perfect time to re-share the recipe since I’ve made a couple little improvements!

Each week, we buy a bunch of bananas at the grocery store. Most days, Travis packs one in his lunch… but occasionally there are 2 or 3 looking overripe sitting there staring at me on Saturday morning. Which is when I pull out my trusty Banana Chocolate Chip muffins recipe and throw a batch together.

I’m not even a big banana person, but a warm muffin right from the oven with a little slap of butter on it is pretty delicious. We’ve been making these since 2020 (Quarantine Baking: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins) based on my sister’s recipe and over the years I’ve made a couple recipe tweaks, so now they are completely irresistible!


  • 1 ¾ cups flour
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • ¾ c sugar
  • 2-3 overripe bananas
  • 3 TBSP vanilla or coconut greek yogurt (you can also use sour cream if you have it sitting around)
  • ¼ c canola oil
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • a couple handfuls of DARK chocolate chips

Step 1: Get ready for yum.

Preheat oven to 355 degrees and wipe some canola oil around your muffin cups (or use muffin cup inserts).

Step 2: Combine dry stuff.

In a smaller bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda and baking powder.

Step 3: Combine the wet stuff.

In a larger bowl, combine eggs and sugar. Mix until creamy. Smush the bananas out of their skin and mash them into the mixture with a fork. Really get in there and squish them and mash them and stir them around. Add yogurt/sour cream, canola oil, and vanilla extract. Stir until mixed.

Step 4: Mix everything together for a banana muffin party.

Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture (that’s why you used a bigger bowl) and mix everything together. Add a couple handful’s of dark chocolate chips. Put equal-ish portions into your muffin cups.

Step 5: Bake

Bake for 20 minutes. Check to make sure they are done by inserting a knife into the middle of a muffin or two. Let cool for as long as you can stand smelling the banana chocolate chip goodness, then cut in half, stick some butter in there and enjoy!

This makes about 12-16 muffins. Once completely cool, store in a Tupperware and enjoy all week. (Pro tip: Do not put the lid of the container on until they are completely cool, or else they get weird and mushy on top.)

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My Nespresso Citiz Review (& My 2 Favorite Nespresso Recipes)

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you know that I’m kind of obsessed with my Nespresso machine. I purchased it right before Christmas and I have been using it non-stop for the last few months. So, I thought I’d share my thoughts with you as well as my daily recipe for a mid-afternoon coffee break!

First off, I was 100% influenced by my friend Lindsey to buy a Nespresso. Maybe even 120% influenced. Every so often we have what I call “Lindsey Adventure Weekends” where I go to her place and we spend the weekend away from stinky boys doing girl stuff. Like watching lots of rom-com’s, eating way too much cheese, wearing comfy pajamas, putting on smelly face masks, and thrifting/antiquing. And yes, it’s amazing.

Lindsey introduced me to her Nespresso machine and like Pavlov’s dog, when I hear the swoosh sound of the espresso being made, my shoulders are conditioned to retract from my ears and I relax.

Right before Christmas I was telling my husband how I really, truly didn’t have anything I want on my Christmas list, when suddenly I had the thought that maybe I should get my own Nespresso machine. I texted Lindsey to find out exactly which machine she owned, did a bunch of research and made my order off Amazon.

My Nespresso Machine: Nespresso CitiZ

I purchased the Nespresso CitiZ and found a few options online:

I purchased the version without a milk frother, because I already own one (a previous year’s Christmas gift) that works great. If you don’t have a milk frother, the 2-in-1 version on Amazon is actually a better price.

Things I like about the Nespresso CitiZ:

  • It’s slim and fits in easily next to my current coffee maker.
  • The removable water tank holds 33 ounces, so I’m not refilling it every time I make a cup.
  • It has a fast heat-up system, so it goes from off to making my espresso in 25 seconds.
  • It’s delicious!

And yes, I still use my regular coffee maker too (as does my husband). I usually start the day with regular coffee and have a Nespresso in the afternoon as a treat.

My Favorite Nespresso Capsule Flavors

The machine came with a sample pack of coffee capsules, which was great to give a bunch of flavors a try. After I tried them out, I narrowed it down to my favorites and made an order.

You can order capsules off Amazon or the Nespresso website for similar pricing. However, Nespresso often runs specials where you get an extra sleeve for free or your first order is $10 off, so I went with them for my first order. I also ordered a Recycling Bag (for free) so I can recycle my used capsules.

My current favorite capsule flavors:

Firenze Arpeggio (dark purple)

Stokholm Fortissio Lungo (teal green)

Vanilla Éclair (cream)

My Favorite Flavored Syrups

I also purchased a couple gift sets from Monin, so I could try a bunch of different syrup flavors. The Toasted Marshmallow from this holiday set (currently still available) is AMAZING.

Here are three of my favorite syrups off Amazon (be warned, the bottles are HUGE):

My Favorite Nespresso Recipes

I’ve been using my Nespresso machine almost daily since the end of December and I’m not kidding when I say it lights up my afternoon. When I was in the office, I would walk down to Starbucks and pay $6+ for my Caramel Macchiato. Now, I walk downstairs and have a similar drink for less than $2.

My two most frequently made recipes:

My Afternoon Cappuccino/Macchiato type-thing:


  • One Firenze Arpeggio capsule (dark purple) or Stokholm Fortissio Lungo capsule (teal green)
  • 2% Milk
  • Whipped Cream
  • Caramel Sauce

I use my frother and fill the milk to the ‘froth’ setting (about ¼ cup-ish). I let that do its thing – it heats and froths and takes about a minute or so. Then, I walk it over to the Nespresso machine, add my milk to my cup and hit ‘start’ on my Firenze Arpeggio capsule for a Lungo size, when that’s done, I top it with a squirt of whipped cream and a little caramel sauce.

(PS this also works great with Almond Milk, if regular milk isn’t your thing. I make it that way for Travis and it tastes great — it just doesn’t foam much).

Look I made an adorable video to show you how I make it:

My Energy Shot type-thing:


  • One Vanilla Éclair capsule (cream)
  • 1 TBSP half and half
  • Toasted Marshmallow syrup
  • Whipped Cream

I make one Vanilla Éclair capsule for a Lungo size directly into my mug. Then, I add 1 TBSP half and half, 1 TBSP Toasted Marshmallow syrup and top it with a squirt of whipped cream. YUM.

You guys. I’m OBSESSED. And I’m also saving money because I like my own Nespresso recipes better than my old Starbucks orders.

Disclosure: Not sponsored. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. This means that clicking on a link may help me earn a small commission at no cost to you.

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