Taking a Preserved Moss Art Frame Class

I don’t really have what you would call a green thumb. Instead, it’s a running joke with my husband and son that I basically kill all plants that come to live in our house. However, I am okay with succulents. For a while. We have a variety of succulents and little mini cactuses that are faithfully living in our house right now.

So when I saw that a cute local shop was having a Preserved Moss Art Frame Class for a project that “requires no care”, well, it seemed like the perfect fit!

I had hoped to attend with a friend, but it was sold out before she could sign up. So, I went solo and it was still super fun! Each person received a little wooden frame, glue, assortment of moss, and extras like pine cones and dried lavender.

We were encouraged to lay out our plan before gluing, but for me it worked best to start at the bottom of the frame and glue each piece on as I went. I added a little here and there. And then, shoved in a little more. Once I got all the moss as I liked it, I added in the little extras.

I really like the little clump of pinecones in the bottom corner and the fingers of moss that reach out over the top of the frame. I actually love it so much more than I even thought I would. And it was a super fun and easy project to do!

Which makes me think I should add more little artistic classes to my 2025 schedule. After a month/months of feeling like I’ve been running around like a crazy person, I actually felt like ME for a while.

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Office Thoughts & Sideboards: The Reveal!

Last month, I shared with you in Office Thoughts & Sideboards that I was looking for a perfectly sized sideboard/credenza piece that would look much nicer than the cube system I was using, and serve to increase my storage space in my office.

As a reminder, here is my before:

I ended up purchasing the Badel 58” Sideboard from Wayfair for $319.

Source: Wayfair.com

The reason I went with this particular option:

  • I loved the look of it and it was actual wood.
  • It had a mix of shelves and drawers, which seemed best for my hodge-podge of stuff.
  • The price was right.

I placed my order, received free shipping (yay!) and it arrived a few days later. I’m actually one of those people who enjoy putting furniture together and have done it many, many times. This piece went together very well, the wood is a really good weight, and the finishes are fantastic. I’m talking nice, heavy metal for the knobs and drawer pulls, and a very thick backing board for the inside of the cabinets.

Once I had it together, the “fun” began. Where I basically had to reorganize my entire office because everything looked terrible next to my new, fancy sideboard. I also did a huge closet clean-out, so that I could better organize everything by utilizing the sideboard space. I ended up with 3 bags of donations for Goodwill and 2 bags of trash.

And here’s the great reveal:

I love, love, love how the new furniture fits the space!

Here is a close-up of the corner:

I moved my walking pad so that it fit into the space next to the sideboard, and stole my bookshelf from the other side of the room for my workout stuff storage. I had been using a standing desk with my walking pad, but wasn’t fully loving it. This bookshelf is a great height for me to balance my kindle on it for reading or watching Netflix while I walk.

The collapsible table on the wall folds down when not in use, but when I need to sew something I just roll the walking pad out of the way, lock the table into position, grab my folding chair from the closet and sew away!

 Here is a closer look at the sideboard:

You are not going to BELIEVE how much stuff I fit inside:

Here is a look at the right cabinet: there is a ton of random crafting supplies, my cross-stitch supplies, jewelry making supplies, painting supplies and small canvases, a tie-dye kit, some larger canvases, a bag of Acrylic markers, some RIT dye and an unused craft set.

As for the left cabinet: I have an assortment of electronics and chargers, a bunch of half-used notebooks from Jack that I grab when I need scratch paper, camera equipment, assorted fabric and scraps from sewing projects, a bowl and wax I use for making candles, and an empty box giving me room to grow.

The three middle drawers currently hold all my gift wrap stuff:

Right now, I have a drawer full of cards, ribbon, bows, labels and gift boxes; one with assorted gift bags; and one with boxes and tissue paper. I’m hoping that I can get through a bunch of this stuff this holiday season, so that I can combine them and have one drawer option for other stuff. To keep all my gift wrapping stuff together, I hid my 4 rolls of wrapping paper under the sideboard, out of sight.

I am so, so, so pleased how the addition of this piece of furniture has allowed me to organize my entire office. It just feels like there is so much clean space now. And even better, when I open my closet everything is accessible without having to play jenga to get to my filing cabinet!

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Office Thoughts & Sideboards

I love my home office, but I do admit it is a little chaotic if it gets messy. In one room, I have a sewing station, workout area (with walking pad and Peloton bike), Poshmark sales storage, storage for a bunch of different crafts, and the office stuff – desk, laptop(s), files, printer. All in one room.

I’m very into purposeful storage, so at some point I brought in this cube organizer.

It holds a ton of stuff, including a total mishmash of craft stuff, books, and workout stuff (weights, yoga blocks, etc). It serves its purpose, but it does feel a little ‘college dorm room’ to me.

I’ve been thinking that I’d like something with more storage that looks a little nicer. Like maybe a dresser or sideboard? That way, I can store all my stuff away in an organized fashion, and it is a nicer piece of furniture for the background of my video calls.

Here’s what I want: Something that looks kind of mid-century modern, but not with the antique price. I need more storage than I currently have and think something with a combination of drawers and shelves would be most handy. My current cube system is 36” wide… so I’d like something wider.

Here are a few of the designs I’m considering:

Draylen 79.9 Sideboard – currently $324

Source: Wayfair.com

I really like the look of this one and I like the fact that it has a mix of shelves and drawers. However, it is over 70” long which would mean I’d have to be careful opening my door. Also, I feel like by the drawers/shelving not going all the way down to the floor, it’s a bunch of wasted space when I want MORE options for organizing stuff.

Badel 58” Sideboard – currently $319

Source: Wayfair.com

Okay, size wise this would fit great. I also like that it has a combination of drawers and shelves, which would be really good for storing various items. This one is a contender!

Modern Berenika 58” Sideboard with Latticework Doors – currently $369

Source: Wayfair.com

This option looks like it has all shelves, but it actually has two small drawers inside as well. I like the look of the lattice doors, but I’m wondering if being able to see through them would be annoying (and look messy)? The size of this one looks good and I like the finish on the wood, so it’s still in the running.

Atyia 46.7” Double Dresser – currently $243.99

Source: Wayfair.com

Okay, this one is a full-on dresser with all drawers. It’s so pretty with the light wood and the woven drawer fronts… but it IS a dresser. Does it look too ‘bedroom’ for the office? Also, by having all drawers I have lots of storage, but I’m missing out on the shelves where I can just add in boxes of my current craft stuff. The price is great though. Sigh. This is very difficult!

Acelynn 31.5” Sideboard (Set of 2) – currently $209.99

Source: Wayfair.com

And here I go completely in the opposite direction – all shelves and no drawers. This is a set of two, so you put them next to each other for a total of 63” of storage. It’s a few more inches than my other sideboard options, but I am giving up ANY drawers in this option. However, the price is so reasonable…

I think I have it narrowed down to these three:

The Badel ($319), Berenika ($369) or Atyia ($243). I’m having a really hard time making a decision though.

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