I mentioned in my Project Me post that I would really like receive an award for being awesome at something.
I didn’t really have an idea on what I would win for – maybe I could get a gold medal at the “Spray Painting Furniture” Olympics or win the “Who is that Random Dude in the Movie” trivia game?
Well, it happened.
I’ve been given The Versatile Blogger award by S.M. Hutchins at Live Wonderstruck.
{Insert Dorky Victory Dance Here}
Heck Yeah! Being nominated for an award feels super great, but what feels even better is having Pocketful of Joules recognized. When I started this blog I was hoping that people would like it, but really had no idea that I’d have so many people visit my little ol’ webpage. So I’d like to give a great big THANK YOU and virtual hug to every single person who has stopped by!
I’d also like to give a super-sized THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU FREAKING ROCK to S.M. Hutchins for bestowing me with this honor. You can, and should, stop by to visit her and Live Wonderstruck.
As part of the rules of this award, I get to tell you about 15 blogs that I love. So here we go:
- Young House Love
- The Bloggess
- Jennsylvania
- The Art of Doing Stuff
- Live Wonderstruck
- Wendi Aarons
- Ain’t No Mom Jeans
- Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures
- This Fish Needs a Bicycle
- You Paid More than Me
- The Day Book
- Attack of the Sugarmonster (NSFW)
- Centsational Girl
- Our Best Bites
- The Frisky – Okay, this last one isn’t an actual blog, but a website that I think reads like a blog.
You can find out more about The Versatile Blogger award here: http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com
The last bit o’ fun that comes with this honor is that I’m supposed to share 7 things about myself. Hmm… I kind of ALWAYS share stuff about myself here, so I’ll try to dig deep and give you something new:
7 Things About Me:
- After having my baby in February, I’m finally ready to start running again (I’m not fast, but I love the sense of accomplishment when I finish a run). I’m joining a local branch of Stroller Strides and also just signed up for a 5k to keep myself motivated.
- I love my tivo and I pretty much watch an episode of either “How I Met Your Mother” or “Scrubs” every single day.
- Traveling is one of my most favorite things EVER, especially if it is to a beach. The easiest way to keep me happy is to have a beach vacation planned every 6 months.
- You may already know that my dog, Potter, is named after Harry Potter. What you don’t know is that he was almost named Hagrid.
- I hardly ever paint my fingernails, but my toenails are always painted a pretty color. ALWAYS. Including when I was pregnant and had to contort to touch my feet.
- I love to sing – I was in school choirs, multiple musicals, a band, and even sung at my uncle’s wedding. However, I get such terrible stage fright because half the time I think I sound okay and the other half I think I sound awful and people are just trying to be nice.
- If something ridiculous is going to happen, most of the time it’s going to happen to me. Case in point – yesterday I accidentally dropped my work ID and office key into the toilet at the exact instant it was flushing. I actually didn’t even realize I did this, but considering that my stuff was nowhere to be found after the Great Flush of 2012 I have to admit that the toilet ate it.
PS. A message from the future (7/31/12 to be exact) — I’m adding this post to a fun Linkup on Honest Mom’s blog. I’m joining her at BlogHer 2012 and really want to participate in her link up, but don’t have time to write a new post. So… for anyone visiting from Honest Mom, thank you for checking out my “7 Things You Didn’t Know About Me” entry! For other people who just found this note by clicking through my blog, check out Honest Mom’s fun facts.