I’m a grown up.
I can make wicked good chocolate chip pancakes.
I rock at New Brunswick Chicken stew.
My carrot walnut bread is pretty delicious.
So why on earth did trying to make a milkshake go so… badly?
When my friends at Breyers told me that September 12th is National Chocolate Milkshake Day, I figured that it would be a perfect time for me to throw together a tasty milkshake to celebrate.
However, I didn’t really think it through and started pulling out the ingredients on Monday night after I put Jack to bed (because, um… I didn’t want to share).
I had some Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream in the freezer, so I used that as a base. I then grabbed my bag of super-sized marshmallows that live in my pantry and decided that I’d toast them and add them in too. You can’t forget the chocolate in your chocolate milkshake, so I hauled out the incredibly large vat of chocolate that somehow ended up in our refrigerator. A little milk to top it off and we were good to go.
See how pretty the ingredients look when they’re all set out? I kind of look like I know what I’m doing, right? Right?!
To start, I toasted the marshmallows. YUM!
Then, I realized that I’d messed up. With Jack sleeping I can’t exactly turn on my supersonic loud blender. Crap. So I decided I’d just throw everything in a bowl and mix it up by hand.
Yeah. That didn’t work very well. The marshmallow pretty much just stayed a lump and everything else turned into mush. So I smashed it up a little and kept furiously stirring.
And I stirred and stirred and stirred until my arm was tired. Then I dumped the milkshake into a cup and added a little something-somethin’.
Look how fancy I am with my marshmallow garnish. Looks delicious, right? It actually WAS pretty yummy, but it was a messy disaster. I ended up just picking up the gooey marshmallow with my fingers and eating it on its own, followed by slurping the milkshake and spooning the chocolate chunks (which were too big to fit through the straw) into my mouth.
I imagine that if I had used a blender, everything would have blended together smoothly and I could have sipped the delicious concoction through a straw. Unfortunately, this is one of those crazy busy weeks where I have about an hour of time with Jack when we get home to feed him dinner, give him a bath, and do the whole read a book/snuggle/go to bed dance. That doesn’t leave much time for milkshake making.
Honestly, I don’t think this milkshake would bring all the boys to the yard. Or even a hungry raccoon. But maybe a saucy little squirrel might be excited about it?
It WAS tasty though, so I get a gold star for that! How about you, any milkshake disasters going on in your house? I’ve always had a fear that I’d forget to put the lid on my blender when I turn it on and the entire kitchen would be covered with a sticky mess…
This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Breyers Blogger Program. Visit www.facebook.com/breyers to join the conversation.
I can dig a good Kelis quote and I would TOTALLY come to your yard for a shake.
That sounded dirtier than I wanted it to.
Just the way I like it you naughty little minx!