Fitness Update & Designer Protein Shakes

The beginning of the month feels like a pretty good time to do a fitness update – you know, the whole holding myself accountable thing. I last updated you all at the beginning of July when I confessed that I had kind of fallen off the wagon.

Well, I’m still running next to that speeding wagon and trying to pull myself back on top.

I’ve been doing well with my runs and have been able to get my mileage up to 5 miles. It’s not a pretty 5 miles… but I’m able to complete it without walking or passing out. My part of the Relay Marathon is 6 miles, so I feel confident that I can get there within the next 6 weeks.

The part where I’ve been failing, failing and then failing again is my diet. I’ve been eating like crap. I mean, it’s mostly been delicious, but not the best choices to fuel my body. It all really starts with breakfast. If I eat an unhealthy breakfast, I throw any healthy diet plans out the window and continue eating whatever I want for the rest of the day. And whatever I want usually consists of pizza, birthday cake Oreo cookies, and cheese sticks.

I have a plan though. A friend of mine works with Designer Protein and sent me a TON of their shakes to try out. Really, a ton:

Designer Protein

  • Aria Women Wellness Protein in chocolate and vanilla. Key benefits: 90 calories, 15G protein, no added sugar, contains Biotin and Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D.
  • Designer Whey in strawberry, chocolate, vanilla and unflavored. Key benefits: 100 calories, 18G protein, no added sugar, no soy, no SMSG, and it won the Chef’s Best Taste Award.
  • Essential 10 Protein in vanilla. Key benefits: 100% plant-based protein, 100 calories, 18G protein, and the equivalent antioxidant value of 10 servings of fruits and veggies.
  • Sunshine Protein in chocolate. Key benefits: 100% plant-based protein, 100 calories, 16G protein, and the equivalent antioxidant value of 10 servings of fruits and veggies.

Each serving has only about 100 calories, but once I add in some milk, frozen fruit and a little peanut butter it will make a yummy shake that is high in protein to start my day off on the right foot. I’m one of those people that can be totally fine with having the same breakfast every single day, so hopefully I can get in the groove of making a morning shake and stick with it.

So far my favorite is the chocolate flavored shakes with ice, water, frozen strawberries and a spoonful of peanut butter, but I’d love to know if you have any good shake recipes I should try!

How do you keep yourself motivated to eat a healthy diet? Are you a believer in the ‘cheat day’ or ‘cheat meal’ or can you just power through?


Disclosure: The Designer Protein power was given to me for review purposes.

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6 thoughts on “Fitness Update & Designer Protein Shakes”

  1. I can’t do any of the shakes or supplements plans…but I do really well with the food containers used with 21 Day Fix! Portion control and a list of approved foods works great for me, and I can prep out a week of work lunches on a Sunday evening!

  2. Try PB2 instead of a scoop of Peanut Butter, it really is amazing and is lower in calories/doesn’t have as much oil. I found it at my local Publix, but Walmart has it super cheap as well. It completely upped my smoothie game, and eliminates any aftertaste of spinach/kale/ugh green food. Keep it up Joules!

  3. Go Julie go!! Hope you find something that works for you! Ive got to second the comment above that the 21 day fix diet plan is awesome. Not restrictive and super easy to follow 🙂 Always here if you have questions!

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