Happy Labor Day everyone!
Are you a huge dork like me who woke up wondering what the deal is with Labor Day?
Well, if not I can drop some knowledge on you that Labor Day was formed to celebrate various labor associations’ contributions to the US economy. According to my googling, we’re supposed to be recognizing today with a “day of rest” and mark the end of the summer season with a last minute trip or outdoor event. There was something about a parade too.

So with the end of summer, here are just a few things that I’m looking forward to this fall:
- The return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. My first sip makes me feel like my favorite season is finally here.
- My birthday. I know I’m not 12, but I still feel like a princess on my birthday. I think this year I’m going to start subtracting one from my age though, so in a few years I’ll be 30 again…
- Our house finally selling. At least I hope so! We had two showings on Saturday and apparently both of them are interested in our house. We’re expecting a contract today and possibly one tomorrow as well. Once we find out more, I’ll do a full blog post with all the details.
- A job change. Unfortunately this is not entirely by my choice (long, long story that I will share when everything is finalized), but I feel like this is the universe’s way of kicking me in the butt to go after my dreams.
- Fire. I love bonfires, whether they are at my parent’s house or on camping trips. Once the weather cools down, my sweetie and I will need to plan a camping trip so I can get my smores on!
- Fall festivals. I’ve never been to the Seafood Festival in Annapolis before, but I’m looking forward to going this year to see one of my favorite live bands, Cowboy Mouth. I’m also hoping to make a return trip to the Apple Butter Festival and the Shenandoah Valley Hot Air Balloon & Wine Festival.
Hmm….maybe I should go downstairs to curl up with a book and enjoy my day of rest. It looks like I’m going to be really busy the next few months!