I’d like to wish each and every one of my Pocketful readers a Happy Thanksgiving!
I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and amazingly supportive friends.
Someone recently asked me how I can keep such a positive outlook when things have been difficult. My answer to them was that I focus on the good things in life and the bad things will work themselves out.
So many wonderful things have happened this year: my husband and I recently celebrated our third anniversary; we were blessed to have gotten pregnant with our son (who we can’t wait to meet); our furry baby, Potter, survived a really scary health crisis; we finally sold our house; and so much more.
As you gather around the table with your loved ones to celebrate the holiday, I wish you good health and happiness.
And I leave you with this image from the People website (all credit goes to them for the image). I’m not typically a ‘cat person’ but I recognize that look on his face from my own family waiting for dinner to be served. Enjoy!