I made a meme… I think.

I took a picture of Ollie the other night and EVERY time I look at it I start laughing.

You might remember it, because I posted it on Facebook and Instagram. In the instant I took the picture, Ollie TOTALLY looked like the character Crazy Eyes from Orange is the New Black.

So, I left it on my phone.
And giggled every time I saw it.

Then, this morning I thought… I KNOW, I’ll put a funny Crazy Eyes saying on the picture! So I googled “how to make a meme,” because that’s how I roll. Of course, I got sucked into the vortex of looking through Crazy Eyes quotes and giggled some more.

I thought about using “I’m gonna call you dandelion” or “I threw my pie for you!”

But then I found it, the perfect quote to add…

Orange is the New Black Meme

Happy Friday!

xoxo, Joules

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8 thoughts on “I made a meme… I think.”

    1. OMG, Chrissy you MUST get sucked into Orange is the New Black. It is SO GOOD! And I guess I have an excuse to keep Ollie around… I mean, he’s obviously as famous (and talented) as a Kardashian. 😉

  1. LOL. I have that one picture of my cat that I keep on my phone that makes me laugh EVERY TIME.

    Because he’s huddled under a blanket I’m having a Grease moment singing….I’ve got chillls….

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