I’ve been hoping since Jack was born that he’d turn into a bookworm just like his mommy. While he’s not quite in the burying-himself-in-books stage, we have been reading a book every night before bedtime for the past 7+ years. Back in April, I shared that his favorites included Pete the Cat and Dogman (read the post here) but now he has a new favorite series: The Bad Guys!
I had stopped by the library on my own to pick up a book on hold when I decided to do a quick loop of the kid’s section to grab a few new books. I saw a bunch of Bad Guys books, so I grabbed book 1, 2 and 3 and brought them home. Holy Guacamole, Jack LOVED them!
Here’s a list of all of them with links to the paperbacks which are typically about $3 each. You can also stick them on hold at the library like we did!

The Bad Guys (#1) https://amzn.to/32FcDVV
The Bad Guys in Mission Unpluckable (#2) https://amzn.to/2NYgN79
The Bad Guys in The Furball Strikes Back (#3) https://amzn.to/34BjEZE
The Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens (#4) https://amzn.to/32Ff8aH
The Bad Guys in Intergalactic Gas (#5) https://amzn.to/2QbPOYw
The Bad Guys in Alien vs Bad Guys (#6) https://amzn.to/306vHPv
The Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?! (#7) https://amzn.to/2QbJmRo
The Bad Guys in Superbad (#8) https://amzn.to/32F3H2J
The Bad Guys in The Big Bad Wolf (#9) https://amzn.to/2LvKzOZ
These books are for kids in 2nd – 4th grade and center around “bad guys” trying to act like good guys. The graphic novels center around Mr. Wolf, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark and Legs the tarantula. There’s a bunch of kid appropriate ‘potty’ humor that had Jack and I cackling out loud!
We read a few chapters every night (they are a little more challenging for him, so I read to him and he follows along) and we burned through all three of the books. We went back to the library to grab more and at this point we’ve finished the entire 9 book series and we are impatiently waiting for more.
Jack has already asked me to add the whole series onto his Christmas list and it looks like #10 will be coming out in December!
Have you read The Bad Guys books yet?
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My son, who is 8, loves this series. He got the first 4 for his birthday and then wanted to buy the rest with his own birthday money. He can’t wait for #10!
Have you heard the good news that audio books and graphic novels both count as reading?!
I will have to tell a friend of mine about these. Her grandsons both love to read. These books would be perfect!