Jack’s First Day of 2nd Grade

It’s that time again… I dusted off the chalkboard for the annual first day of school photo on the front porch:

And just like that – BOOM – I have a 2nd grader in the house.

The week before Jack started first grade, we went by the school to hunt down his new classroom and meet his new teacher. However, this year the timing wasn’t right and we weren’t able to visit last week. Instead, my brave boy is going in blind and will figure it out on his own (with the help of some school grown-ups, of course).

Jack wasn’t even nervous leading up to today at all, but then suddenly as we were walking into school for his before-care drop off, he turned to me with wide eyes and said “I’m SCARED” with a nervous laugh. We had a quick hug and a kiss and it passed as suddenly as it came.

 As soon as we walked into the school, he switched into the routine of drop off mode. I got my hug and a half-dozen kisses and suddenly I was outside and he was inside. And another year has started.

To be honest my emotions are a weird mix of happy and sad. I love seeing Jack grow up and his personality shine year after year, but darn if I don’t want to squish him back down to baby-sized every so often.

Happy Back to School Everyone!

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One thought on “Jack’s First Day of 2nd Grade”

  1. Your son is so cute. And sweet. And, he still loves his mommy. That is a blessing, right there. Have a wonderful first week of school.
    Just one story… my sister hid outside her daughter’s new classroom, and watched to make sure she was all right in her new school. She said she cried a little, had more trouble sending her back to school than her daughter had! She ( her daughter ) is now in her thirties, and a nurse. Everything worked out.

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