Jack’s First Day of 7th Grade

Today is the first day of school in our county and Jack’s first day of 7th grade! He is officially in the middle of middle school – as our school goes from 6th to 8th grade. Last year, we marveled over how the 6th graders look like little kids and the 8th graders are full grown… so this must be the year that it all happens!

And I’m not ready.

Or maybe I am.

I don’t know.

This was a fast and hectic summer for us. Jack broke his arm the first weekend of the summer, had emergency surgery, was in a splint for a week, then a cast for 4 weeks, then got it off. And now, he’s going through physical therapy to help get his range of movement back. He was home with me on my telework days and on days I went into the office he either hung out with dad, visited his grandparents, or spent time at a local summer camp. We also had some wonderful days at the beach and ate a lot of ice cream.

And now, I send him off to 7th grade. And I know he’ll do great because he’s an awesome, smart and hilarious kid. He’s also delightfully weird and an absolute powerhouse at video games.

I’m hoping he finds ‘his people’ this year, whether he becomes better friends with classmates, or meets new friends through school clubs. Last year, we had some sporadic issues with bullying, so I’m on high alert for any problems that I need to nip in the bud.

So, here’s to hoping that 7th grade is a fantastic year!

{As previously noted here on the blog, all photos and/or posts about Jack are run by him first for approval. Jack has approved this message and says ‘hi’ to everyone.}

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2 thoughts on “Jack’s First Day of 7th Grade”

  1. Yay, Jack! Have a great year! That was my favorite middle school year. Have fun. I love your different socks idea. My husband does that if he’s at home, or has a casual day and can’t find his socks. Where do they go? Have fun.

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