Jack’s Preschool Graduation

It seems like just yesterday I published Jack’s birth story, The Story of Jack, and now I have a graduate. I mean, not a REAL graduate. Like a college graduate, or a high school graduate.

A preschool graduate.

I also have one of my favorite pictures of 5 year old Jack:

Jack has been going to a Montessori preschool for almost exactly two years and will be starting kindergarten in the fall. He’s a little nervous about kindergarten, but we visited his school a couple times for registration and his kindergarten assessment, so he is slowly getting used to the idea. And I’m very slowly getting used to the idea of putting my kid on a bus with no seat belts and having to pack his lunch every day.

I wish I could show you the class “graduation” picture because it is so freaking cute, but it’s not really a good idea to post pictures of other people’s kids on your blog… Instead, I just have to share some of the pictures I took from the event with two of Jack’s favorite people, my mom and dad, aka Mimi and Dippy.

And yes there were tears. Not mine, but his. The spotlight of attention was too much for Jack as he walked down the aisle and he immediately started crying. I however kept it together. Of course, I know it will be a total sob-my-face-off situation when I put him on the bus for the first time in a couple months!

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2 thoughts on “Jack’s Preschool Graduation”

  1. This gave me so many feels. Congrats Jack, AND congrats Mom and Dad! Jack is such a special kid. <3 <3 <3

  2. Congrats 🙂 The Kindergarten bus is the scariest – but once you get through that first day – everything will be fine. He’ll make bus friends and it’ll probably be his favorite part of the day 🙂

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