Last Minute Back to School Prep Tips

Source: Photo by Renan Kamikoga on Unsplash

For us, the first day of school is just over 2 weeks away, but some kids are already starting to head back! I have a few quick last minute back to school prep tips for you that I swear will make your life easier in the coming weeks.

Throw last year’s lunchbox and backpack in the laundry

Stick both the lunchbox your kiddo(s) used last year and their backpack into the washing machine and wash them on cold (I usually also throw in a load of towels or sheets so I don’t waste the space). Then, let them hang dry so that they’re all ready for the coming year. Even if you bought a brand-new lunchbox and backpack, DO THIS ANYWAYS with the old ones. That way when a container of peaches opens up inside their lunchbag and makes everything sticky you’re prepared with a backup until the new one is clean again. If you have a hard lunchbox (rather than the squishy kind), stick it in the dishwasher for a nice back-to-school bath.

Buy these and use them on everything: Avery Durable Labels.

Stick them on school supplies and also your kid’s lunchbox, water bottles, and plastic containers. They are dishwasher safe and actually hold up perfectly after dozens of washes, so these little babies are invaluable in our house!

Try on sneakers

If your kid is like mine, they’ve been wearing sandals, flip flops, or crocs all summer long. However, at our school it is required to wear sneakers on gym days. Well, Jack hasn’t put on socks and sneakers in months, so (thankfully) I decided to have him try on both pairs of sneakers a couple weeks ago. And OF COURSE he completely grew out of them while we weren’t looking.

Try on pants, long sleeves and jackets

Yes, I know it’s still 90 degrees in Maryland. However, when you realize your kid grew out of all their pants and long sleeves it will be cold outside and you’ll be stuck sending your kid to school in capris. Do a quick try-on of pants, long sleeves and jackets so that you have a couple months to hunt out sales and gather what you need. True to form, Jack grew out of all but 3 pairs of pants (and one of those pairs were VERY CLOSE to being short), so the next time I stopped by TJ Maxx I stocked up on Adidas joggers in the next size up.

Start wearing new shoes ASAP

Apparently, socks are evil and so, so hard to put on after three months of sandals. Start your kid wearing socks and shoes a couple weeks before school begins. That way you can get the whining out of the way early AND break in a new pair of shoes so that they’re ready to be worn for a full day.

Happy Back-To-School Season!

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