One of the things I enjoy about blogging is that I can look back at older blog posts and it’s like a diary of my life. This is especially true during times like when Jack was first born, or upheaval like leaving a job and starting a new one. Well, now that we are marking one year of COVID, I took some time to look back at my “Life Update” posts over the past year to remind myself of the ups and downs… and ups and downs.
Looking back, I found my very first post where I mention that schools might possibly be closed for more than two weeks (aww, I miss hopeful Joules), I talk about how I decided to reschedule my March meetings for April when I’d be “back in the office” … and my total relief when Jack was able to go to (outdoor, socially distanced) camp last summer.
The year has certainly been full of uncertainty, which is probably one of the hardest things for someone like me who likes to make a schedule and then stick to it. As it turns out, Jack hasn’t been back to in-person school in a full year now. If I can get a vaccine, we may be able to send him to school before the end of 3rd grade. Otherwise, he will (hopefully) return in the fall for 4th grade.
If you would have told March 2020 Joules that, she might have lost her damn mind.
However, March 2021 Joules is getting a little better at rolling with the punches.
Here are all my life updates from living through the pandemic so far:
- The Coronavirus: What I’m Doing (March 16, 2020)
- Life Right Now (March 23, 2020)
- Life Update (April 2, 2020)
- Another Life Update While Quarantining (April 20, 2020)
- I Never Wanted to Be a Teacher (April 21, 2020)
- Parenting Through a Pandemic (May 28, 2020)
- Life Update: New Normal (July 20, 2020)
- Life Update: Online School (September 17, 2020)
- Life Update: I’m not Okay (October 29, 2020)
- How We Are Using Online Learning as an Opportunity (January 11, 2021)
I wonder how I’ll look back at this weird moment in time a few years from now?