My Favorite Things About the Summer to Fall Transition

I love summer. I really do with the sunny days, trips to the beach, and all the ice cream and snow-cones you could want. However, autumn has a special place in my heart. My birthday is in September. We were married in October. I geek out over the foliage changing color and my husband and I do that weird thing where we point out especially beautiful trees to each other.

Maryland is pretty much known for our crazy seesaw weather – we might get a nice day or two in August, only to suddenly have the heat and humidity punch us in the face. Same with September – sure we may have some days in the 70’s where you want to pull out your comfy cardigans and motorcycle boots. But as soon as you look forward to dressing like a ‘basic fall girl’, the weather flips again and you’re digging out your tank tops.

The last couple of weeks have been absolutely perfect though, with sunny days in the mid 70’s and low 80’s. So, I thought it was time that I channel Taylor Swift with her Autumn Lovers post/poem and wax poetic about the summer to fall transition.

Things I Love About This Time of Year:

Buying a New Day Planner. Sure, school starting is no longer a year-start for me, but I love the promise of buying a blank day planner and adding everything to it nice and fresh. And yes, I color code. (PS, did you know that erasable highlighters are a thing?! I’m OBSESSED with them)

An End-of-Summer Purge. This is the time of year when I like to do a nice cleanout of my unworn/unloved summer clothing items. With my eyes pointed towards fall, it just seems a little bit easier to let go of those items that I never bothered to wear over the last season. So, I go through and make my piles for Poshmark or to donate, and I start the new season with a little extra room in my closet.

Fall Home Projects & Décor. I haven’t gone full pumpkin yet, but it’s right around the corner. I typically like to get past my birthday first, but then I enjoy switching out a few things around the house to make it feel a little cozier for the shorter days/longer nights just around the corner. That means adorable pumpkins, apple and vanilla scented candles, and lots of fluffy blankets and thrifted hand-crocheted afgans for all the snuggling. I also always feel a bit of an itch to do some home projects, and this year I think I may finally repaint my upstairs hallway.

Cool Nights & An Oversized Hoodie. YES, I love my dresses and skirts. And I wear them year-round… but there is just something about a chilly night and throwing on an oversized hoodie. It’s cozy and comfy and perfect for all the snuggling – whether it be with Travis, Jack, Ollie… or all of the above.

{Yes, I know we are not wearing hoodies in this photo, but this little cuddle pile was too cute not to share}

The Smell of a Bonfire When You’re Driving Around. I love having our own outdoor bonfire. However, there is just something about driving home from dinner in the evening and having the window cracked just a bit for some cool air… and smelling that whiff of bonfire as you drive by. Absolute heaven.

Disclaimer: This post contains an Amazon affiliate link — because I’m obsessed with my erasable highlighters. This means that clicking on a link may help me earn a small commission at no cost to you.

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2 thoughts on “My Favorite Things About the Summer to Fall Transition”

  1. Ohhhh. We are so much the same! I need one more hoodie! I am very picky about which one to buy. Can I have pink, or is that too wimpy? It is a big thing for me, to pick the right one. I usually go through my fall decorations and swear I will get some updated ones. I also mourn my loss of man and woman pilgrims that were so sweet. I don’t know where they went, back to the Mayflower?? Hmm.
    Your cuddle pie pic is adorable! What a cute family you are! Although Ollie looks like he is more interested in something across the room. Possibly a chew toy.

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