My February Stitch Fix of LOVE

Grab your tambourine and shake it all around because it’s time for my February Stitch Fix, which is #6 if you’re keeping track. It seems nuts, but the last six months of Fixes have flown by (you can check them out here). I’ve considered stopping the service, or holding off for a month or so. However, I’ve been buying only one or two items per Fix, so it’s been pretty reasonable so far.

Will this month break me?

For my February Fix I asked (once again) for the 41Hawthron Moni Stud Detailed ¾ sleeve blouse. I see it ALL OVER Instagram and other blogger reviews, so I have NO IDEA why they won’t send it to me when I’ve asked for it for the PAST FOUR MONTHS! Well, I didn’t get it again this month so I emailed Stitch Fix to figure out what’s up. I’ll keep you posted!

Anywho, in addition to the (apparently) forbidden shirt, I also asked for some more casual pieces. I have the issue that I can totally pull myself together for a great work look, but as soon as I have to dress myself up for the weekend I look pretty schloompy. I just don’t have any ‘in between’ clothes – I have work wear and I have yoga pants and oversized t-shirts. So with this month’s Fix I was hoping for something cute that I could wear on the weekends and still be comfortable. Also, Jack’s birthday party is on Sunday so I really wanted something I could throw on with jeans and look fashionable (but not too dressy).

My stylist for this Fix was Meagan, who I’ve never had but in her note she said how helpful it was to check out my Pinterest and previous order’s feedback, so I like her (last month was Adrianne and the two months before that was Claire). I apologize in advance for the photos, I was rushing to get them done before Travis and Jack got home and didn’t realize they turned out kind of icky until I was in my pj’s with no makeup on.

Here is what I got:

Item #1: Louisville Boat Neck Cable Knit Sweater, $68
When searching online before my order arrived, I struck out in finding this sweater anywhere. I had some concerns though about the “boat neck” because that style tends to not be so flattering on busty girls. I could really use a cool casual sweater though, so I waited with bated breath… and was disappointed.

Boatneck Cable Knit Sweater

Do you SEE the look on my face? This is probably the most unflattering sweater I’ve ever tried on. The color looks terrible on me and the shape of the sweater is oddly boxy, yet short. So short, in fact, that if I raise my arms I will show off my tummy. I’m 36. I don’t WANT to show off my tummy. Obviously I could wear a cute tank top underneath, but the sweater would still be horrid. Verdict: It’s already sitting in the return bag waiting to leave my house.

Item #2: Gilda Abstract Print Tab-Sleeve Blouse, $28
Here’s another piece that I felt was priced really well and I totally crossed my fingers that I’d like it. I mean, $28 for a top that isn’t a t-shirt is right up my alley and I usually LOVE tops with tab-sleeves.

Gilda Abstract Print Tab-sleeve blouse

I like it. The fabric is nice and the tab sleeves are pretty darn cute. I’m just undecided on the pattern. Normally I’m drawn to black and white patterns, this one just seems kind of ‘eh’. I don’t know. This could be cute with jeans for Jack’s party. Also, I have a lot of work events coming up in the next few months so this could be really nice under a blazer AND it’s only $28. Verdict: Undecided. What do you think?

Item #3: Mission ¾ Sleeve V-neck Blouse, $48
I also couldn’t find this item online before my order came, so I’m thinking that they are finally sending out a bunch of new stuff (instead of just sending the same things to everyone). Initially the description sounds good, I love v-neck shirts and am totally down with ¾ sleeves… so there is hope.

Mission v-neck blouse

I really like this shirt. It’s just a simple black top, but the fabric is silky and forgiving. I feel like the cut is quite flattering on me. The ¾ sleeves and neckline give it a bit of interest and it can be thrown on with anything in my wardrobe from jeans to work trousers. Verdict: Undecided. I like it but is it TOO simple? What do you think?

Item #4: Jonni Lace Hem Detail Dress, $34
When I peeked online at this dress before receiving it, I thought it looked a bit like a hippie and a cowgirl made a baby. At a price of $34, I was willing to keep an open mind to see how it fit in person.

Lace hem dress

If you follow me on Facebook you will know that it DIDN’T fit in person. I tried it on like a good Fixer and got stuck.

Like really, REALLY stuck. The dress was weirdly tight on my upper arms (apparently my biceps are amazing) and looked like a maternity dress once I had it on. I considered taking a picture of me wearing it but then thought about the fact that the horrible picture will be on the internet forever and passed. When I went to remove the dress, I got it halfway over my head and was stuck. You know that feeling when you get stuck in a piece of clothing – you get kind of sweaty and freaked out? Well, I was there. And I was totally stuck. I tried to breathe normally and not freak out but I truly thought I was going to have to either cut the damn thing off me or wait until my husband got home to help rescue me. The thought of the look on my husband’s face (and the teasing that would go on for the rest of my life) forced me to try one last time and thankfully I was able to break free. Verdict: NO

Item #5: Rylin Pintuck Detailed Silk Blouse, $78
Typically when I see the words “silk blouse” I don’t think casual. I mean, my non-work days include a 2 year old and a dog… so silk isn’t exactly the best choice in fabrics for my REAL life.

pintuck silk blouse

Do I seem a bit pink and disheveled in this picture? I tried this top in right after I finally broke free of the torture dress. I LOVE this top. Now, silk isn’t something that I would wear for a CASUAL day, but it will go great in my work wardrobe. The silk is so soft and the top is nice and blousy so I can do the half-tuck that I’m addicted too. I’m also in love with the neckline and gorgeous pintuck detailing.

pintuck silk blouse - close up

THIS shirt is the reason that I use Stitch Fix. However, it’s 8 degrees outside and February so this might have been a better pick to send me in the spring. Just saying. Verdict: LOVE IT and I’m definitely buying it.

Here is the fun part… what do YOU think I should buy? I’m absolutely getting the silk blouse, but I’m on the fence for the other two tops. I have a couple days to make my decision so please leave me a comment below and let me know your thoughts!

For my next fix, I’m going to request Meagan again. I feel like she got closest to my personal style and I’m curious how it will be working with the same stylist twice in a row. I’m planning to request a blazer for work, an interesting cardigan and try again to ask for some casual tops.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Stitch Fix, I pay for the $20 styling fee and any clothing I purchase with my own hard-earned money. I do have a special referral link though and if you decide to click through and sign up I will receive a small referral reward. Here’s my link. So thank you for anyone who chooses to click through and support my shopping addiction.

2/13/14 Update: Thank you all for your feedback! I ended up purchasing both black tops from this Fix. I was going to get the patterned top too, but decided to skip it because Katie is right… the pattern totally looks like static!

Psssst…Do you love checking out what other people received in their Fixes? I added quick links to every single one of my reviews on my Stitch Fix Reviews page!

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

19 thoughts on “My February Stitch Fix of LOVE”

  1. Ok love the silk top. The rest is a bust for me. The Abstract print is OK. I think if you covered it up with a jacket it would be better but on it’s own, it’s too overpowering.

  2. The abstract print- I want to like it, but it makes me think of a fuzzy TV. Remember when TV’s did that? The static? Sigh. I’m old. I like the mission blouse a lot. I think you should keep it. Also I’m saddened that the dress was awful because I like the look of it on the hanger. (I guess it makes me feel in touch with my inner hippie/cowgirl?) It’ll probably end up in MY next box, just like the slutty Wilma Flintstone dress and I’ll get stuck in it too!

    1. YES, it’s STATIC! lol The dress looked good on another (skinnier) blogger, just not me. It was something about how the string belt came right under my boobs and accentuated my tummy that looked terrible. And the whole STUCK thing. I was totally planning to take a picture of it with a cowgirl hat and boots too…

      1. Since we’re similar builds (though I’m lacking several inches in the height department) that dress would likely be just as bad on me as it was on you. But I want a “I got stuck in my clothes” story. Kind of. Not really. Did you hear that, UNIVERSE?! I changed my mind!

  3. Definitely keep 3 & 5. I’m on the fence with #2. Absolutely adorable with a jacket or sweater. Just not sure about on it’s own. What about with a single color scarf?

  4. I love items 3 and 6 on you. The v necked blouse and the silk blouse look amazing on you! Very pretty and very versatile.

  5. I got my first fix this month and got stuck in the pants…I think I need to go up a size or six…haha! Why can’t all pants be sized the same way?

    Those dresses always make me look like I am pregnant. I don’t know how other people pull that style off.

    I didn’t photograph myself trying on my fix. I would have had to pick up all of the dirty laundry on my bathroom floor first. Laziness won this time, but maybe I’ll photograph my next fix and write a blog post about it. It’s fun to see everyone trying on their outfits.

    1. Ooh, I’d LOVE to see your Stitch Fix stuff too! You totally need to post when you get your next Fix. I got a pair of pants in my very first fix and when I put them on it was like they were PAINTED on. After 6 Fixes, all I’ve ever bought were tops!

  6. Stumbled across your site while looking for Stitch Fix reviews (my favorite for procrastination!), and I HAD to comment because I ALSO have requested the 3/4 Moni stud detail blouse for the last three fixes and haven’t gotten it, despite seeing it in a TON of fixes! If you get an answer from them, let me know! They never even acknowledge my request for it in my stylist note! It’s driving me crazy!

    1. Hi Ashley – it’s driving me CRAZY too! I emailed them and the response I got said basically that the shirts are so popular that as soon as a shipment arrives they fly off the shelves. I just don’t understand why they can’t SAVE a shirt for those who request them! I’m curious if by making an email stink about it I’ll get one in my next Fix. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for visiting!

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