March was very much a ‘is it spring yet?’ kind of month. The weather has been seesawing between cold and mild. My allergies took over for a week, which resulted in lots of sniffles, sneezes and headaches. I’m pretty much just counting down to our spring break trip, hoping that when we return spring has fully arrived in Maryland!
Here’s what I wore this month:

Still lots of dark colors, for most of the month. After one day of bare legs, I went back to tights for warmth. Out of the month, I had two favorites — which happen to be two of my notPERFECT LINEN pieces:

The black dress is a NPL linen Volume dress and I paired it with a thrifted long-sleeve stripe top, fleece-lined leggings, and boots for a sister’s day of brunch and pedicures.
The second outfit was a work look — I was super excited about my secondhand Johnny Was blouse, so I had to wear it ASAP. I tried it with a redwood NPL Marseille skirt, purple thrifted cardigan and navy Rothy’s.
For April, I anticipate lots of comfy leggings looks for our upcoming vacation of hiking and sightseeing. And hopefully I’ll find my sunshiny colors (and attitude) when I return to work afterwards.