Earlier this year, I started a new series based on some feedback on my PocketfulofJoules Instagram account. A very sweet Instagram friend sent me a DM saying how much they enjoy seeing different ways to style the same items over and over again as inspiration for their own looks. (Psst…you can find a bunch of these saved under the “OOTD Breakdown” highlight on Instagram). So, I thought it would be fun to start highlighting some remixes here on the blog.
You can find my previous posts here:
- My Style Remix with Embellished Cardigans
- My Style Remix with a Solid Colored Dress
- My Style Remix with a Simple Solid Colored T-Shirt
- My Style: Remix with a “Fancy” Tulle Skirt
- My Style: Remix with a Solid-Colored Linen Skirt
For today’s highlight, I’m going to focus on remixing with velvet.
Velvet is one of those *fancy* fabrics that some people only bring out for special occasions. However, I really enjoy wearing ALL the stuff in my closet, so I frequently remix festive items for my normal life… velvet included.
Here is some of my favorite velvet items from my closet re-mixed over the years:

I find that it’s extra easy to mix velvet into your wardrobe around the holidays. So if you have something that’s been shoved to the back of your closet because you feel like it might be too fancy, now may be the perfect time to mix it into your wardrobe.
I hope you like this new series and please let me know if you have a particular item you want me to highlight for you!