My Type: Tall, Cute & Goofy

When I first met my husband, I told him that I’d never date him.

Yes, I’m obviously a woman of my word. But let me back up to the beginning…

I would consider myself kind of a late bloomer. I mean, I had a supersized crush on a guy in high school that never really panned out. I found out years later that he turned out to be gay, which really does explain so much. The funny thing is, that’s not the only guy I’ve kissed who later turned out to be gay, but back to the main story…

I had my first real TRUE LOVE kind of relationship in college – I started dating that boyfriend at the end of freshman year and we stayed together (on and off) for about 4 years. That relationship ended badly (cheater cheater liar pants) and I jumped directly into a serious relationship with a guy who I stalked/met at the gym. I was with him for 3 ½ years and then that relationship died a slow fiery death.

Apparently I don’t do graceful exits.

At this point I was in my mid-twenties and had just bought my own townhouse. This was the first time in my life I just enjoyed being single. I dated around a bit, had some fun random make-out sessions and mostly spent a lot of my Friday nights at the local bar with my friend, Annie.

One night we went to our bar directly from work. It was one of those crappy days where it was pretty much a requirement to drive straight there without changing from your work clothes and immediately order a pint of hard cider and a shot.

I remember it like it was yesterday, we were sitting in a booth and there was the group of guys standing at a table near us. Practically the moment Annie went to the bathroom, the tallest of the guys darted over, slid into the booth and asked if he could buy us a shot. He was kind of cute in a goofy way, so I said sure and before Annie even returned from her super-quick bathroom trip our booth was filled with guys.

That was the beginning of our relationship with The Boys. They were all younger than us and worked blue collar jobs. I was kind of a snob at that point, only dating professional guys who were my age or older. So The Boys were our bar friends.

We’d hang out with them each week and have an awesome time laughing and drinking. Every so often there might be a joking invitation for a date, but I stuck to my “I’m never dating any of you!” stance. Oh I might have made out with one of them, but that was about it.

So, this goes on for about a year. I date a couple guys, but always return to Annie and The Boys at our bar.

One night, a couple girls walk into the bar. You know the type – the girls who are looking for a GOOD TIME so they put effort into their makeup and upgrade their t-shirts and jeans to tight tops and heels. The moment they enter, they are SWARMED with The Boys. Well, all of The Boys except the tallest, goofy Boy that I was hanging out with.

Being the total clueless broad I was, I asked him why he wasn’t swarming the slutty girls with his friends. He shrugged and said that they weren’t his type. So, of course, I had to ask him if THEY weren’t his type, then WHAT WAS his type?!

That’s when it happened.

He turned to me, looked at me with this look I’d never seen on his face before and said, “You”.

I can’t remember exactly what came next, but I’m sure we awkwardly started talking about other stuff. Later that night and through the next week, that response just echoed in my head. I remember having a conversation with Annie and saying to her, “I think I like Tall, Goofy Boy?!” She was just as confused as I on how this had somehow snuck up on me.

Another week later, I ended up hanging out with him one-on-one at the bar. He had stuck around waiting for me to show up after a work event, and had a little more to drink then he was comfortable with. So, I invited him to sleep in my guest room.

Yes, that’s right – in the guest room. I’m a nice girl!

He spent the night and we flirted up a storm, but didn’t even kiss. The next morning, he was laying on the futon, covered in blankets. I was sitting on the office chair (because I was classy and totally had a futon in my office and called it a guest room). My dog, Potter, jumped up to lay with him while we chatted.

Then, it happened.

While we were talking and smiling at each other with googly eyes…

My dog pooped on him.

Yes, Potter literally squatted over him and dropped a doggie log right on top of the blankets on his lap.

Shock.  Awe. Embarrassment. Actually, complete mortification would be a better term.

And that was when it really happened – he didn’t get mad or freak out that my dog had just randomly POOPED on him. He laughed. Hysterically. In fact, we both laughed so hard that tears were streaming down my face.

We spent the day together, just hanging out, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. He went home that night and I wasn’t really sure where things were going. I mean, we still hadn’t even kissed yet!

Two days later, I get a call from him. He’s at the Subway on the corner and wants to know if I want anything. I don’t, but invite him to come by anyways. We had our first kiss that night. He never went home – staying that night and following night, and the next. So on and so forth until we realized that he might as well move in.

We got engaged a little over a year later and married about 8 months after that. Travis and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary in October and he still makes me smile and laugh so hard that my face hurts. He’s an amazing husband to me and an incredible father to Jack.

Oh yeah, and besides that whole pooping thing, Potter likes him too.

So now it’s your turn – what was THE MOMENT that you knew your spouse was IT for you?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

14 thoughts on “My Type: Tall, Cute & Goofy”

  1. I met my husband in college. We had a class together & I thought he had the most amazing eyes. And, my kids think this is weird, I loved the shape of his nose. Strange I guess but there’s no accounting for what gets our interest peaked. Anyway, I stalked him a little but though he’d talk to me, & I knew he was aware of my interest, he never asked me out. I’ve always been fairly confident, I’m not, & never was gorgeous, but was always considered cute. So I just assumed I wasn’t his type & forgot about it. Apparently he had a firm rule against dating anyone in his classes, due to a bad experience, he asked me out the following semester. That was over 21 years ago. And I knew he was the one for me over our first lunch date.

  2. My FIRST EVER REAL boyfriend from high school and I had just re-met (25 years later) and were falling HARD AND FAST. *I* knew HE had it bad when he attended my daughter’s BEGINNER BAND concert three days after we re-met (after working a 14 hour blue collar day). I knew *I* was a gonner when he said (after a week) while we were all smooching and such, “You better be careful. You’re going to make me fall in love with you and want to marry you.” Done. Gone. The. End. We’ve been together ever since. Married one year to the day after we re-met and will celebrate 2 years marriage in May. And it’s still THAT GOOOD!!

  3. So the first time I knew mine was the guy for me was when we were both invited to a Christmas party and we sat next to one another at the bar. He reached into his pocket to get some cash to pay for the round of drinks and one of the bills had a brown stain on it. He said, “Oh sorry, my colostomy bag must be leaking”. Gross and distasteful but I cracked up and that was when I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

  4. I don’t remember exactly when I knew Jim was “The One.” I DO recall the first time I laid eyes on him though. I was working on a project in the audio lab with some of the girls from my class, and we went to ask a lab monitor for help. As soon as Jim left the room I turned to one of the girls and said, “Is it just me, or is that one attractive lab monitor?” We’ll go ahead and call it love at first sight, because that’s more romantic than, “I don’t recall having an A-HA moment.”

  5. Aww what a lovely post! Mine involves poop too. But not dog poop. I was over at the now hubbies house watching a movie, when we first started dating. I had literally just arrived when I realized I needed to poop. Badly. My choices were limited…I could go home, ending the fun. I could poop and stay in there for 8 hours until the smell cleared, or I could poop, crack open a window, turn on the fan, and come out and warn him not to enter the toxic room fo awhile. True to myself, I chose the latter. I pooped, came out, and proclaimed, “DO NOT GO IN THERE.” My hubbie was so shocked that a “lady” would say anything like that, that he immediately ran to check if it really smelled. He came back in a fit of giggles..
    I’m pretty sure that’s when we both fell in love. lol.

  6. Well my story is not quite as exciting. I met my husband while in college on a day my friends and I accused him and his friends of stealing my friend’s wallet. Yeah try saying that 3 times. Too make a long story short, no one stole the wallet (it was only misplaced) we became friends and the rest is history!
    Jae Mac, I’m Just Sayin’…(Damn!)

  7. I love this story. I love that your dog pooped on him and he laughed. (I just hope, you know…that he showered…) You are adorable. 🙂 Brian and I had a similar spent the night and the next night type thing…I just sort of never went home after our first date (except, you know…to get clothes and stuff). LOL.

  8. This is a great love story. My husband and i originally met in High School, in Germany. Fast forward 10 years (before Facebook – yes, Im that old) and he emails me on Classmates. Turns out we both lived in the PNW. Our, lets catch up on old times turned into our first date. He kind of became a whirlwind force to be reckoned with. Twins, marriage and finally living together after he got out of the military 3 years later. I wish I could say what the ‘it’ moment was for me. Maybe him mowing my yard when I didn’t even ask. It was nice to be taken care of for a change. Going on 7 years, its not all roses, but its not all bad either. 🙂

  9. I knew Ben was it for me when my sister broke down at a Wawa, called me hysterically, and Ben immediately went to her rescue. A man who takes care of not only me, but those who are important to me? How could I not marry him?? It doesn’t hurt that he’s pretty cute, too 😉

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