My New Favorite Lip Color Product EVER

I’m not really a lipstick person.

I mean, I love the look of lipstick in photographs, but in real life I’m more of a Chapstick or Carmex kinda girl. I’ve actually been known to wake up in the middle of the night, slop some Carmex on my lips and then go back to sleep. I’m kinda hardcore like that.

I did find one lipstick I really liked at Sephora last year and whenever I remember, I put it on before taking pictures. Usually, the moment I’m done I wipe it back off. I just like the FEEL of lip balm over lipstick. I’ve been looking for something that I could actually wear all day and I think I finally found it!

I was perusing through Walgreens the other day and came across these Maybelline SuperStay 24 2-Step color lipsticks:

Maybelline lip color

In theory, they sounded like EXACTLY what I was looking for. You put the color on, let it dry and then it stays on all day through lip gloss applications. In fact, the stick had the color on one end and the lip gloss on another.

I grabbed up a few colors and raced home to play with them. Actually, I also grabbed a package of candy corn because it’s mandatory when doing a fall Walgreens stop.

Here’s the color I was trying to match, it’s called Sephora Rouge Shine No 33.

matching sephora

According to the directions, you must first make sure your lips are totally dry when you start. Since I’m always wearing Chapstick, I just wiped it off really well with a tissue. Fine, who am I kidding… a piece of toilet paper.


application steps

Use the applicator to draw on your lipstick. Pay extra attention to the lines of your lips, because you don’t want to make mistakes and give yourself crooked lips. That would be weird. Wait 2 minutes for the lipstick to dry, then swipe on the lip gloss. It’s okay if the color looks a bit uneven before you apply the lip gloss, because the shine smooths it all out.

That’s it. The lip color is sticking around ALL DAY. Even if you don’t use the included lip gloss and use Carmex instead. Even if you eat. And kiss your toddler. And drink. And eat some more. It doesn’t budge! And it doesn’t taste yucky because you can use your own gloss over it!

So you may be asking yourself, “HOW do you get it off?!” Well, makeup remover. And not every makeup remover will do it. I tried my normal Almay eye make-up pads and it didn’t do a thing. Luckily, I had some of Neutrogena Oil-Free Makeup Remover sitting around, because it took it off with just a swipe or two. My lips felt kind of greasy afterwards, so I used some hand soap to wash them off and then lathered up on the Carmex to re-moisturize.

Here’s my try at all three of the colors. What do you think?

Keep up the Flame

Always Blazing

Committed Coral

The top red is super saucy, but my husband hated it. He then tried to back-peddle and say that maybe it was just that it didn’t ‘go’ with the shirt I was wearing (it was navy blue… so he’s totally wrong!), but I think he’s just not a fan of bright lip color. The second color is the one I’ve been wearing lately on instagram and at my friend’s wedding. The third one is much more subtle and makes for a great work look. Or, you know, a non-threatening look for the husband to get used to!

What do you think, is the red too scary? If you had to pick one, which would be your favorite? Do you have a makeup product you’re obsessed with? If so, share it in the comments so we can all try it!


Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I purchased the lip color with my own money and was not compensated for writing about it. I didn’t even include any Amazon affiliate links for ANY of the products mentioned because I want you guys to know that this is NOT a paid commercial of any kind, I just LOVE these lip colors!

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

17 thoughts on “My New Favorite Lip Color Product EVER”

  1. I love them all! I don’t wear lipstick, but I like the way it looks on you! With my pale skin and red hair, I feel like I always resemble a clown.

  2. The red is a little harsh. Done up with more dramatic eye makeup to go out at night it could work but it’s a bit intense for daily.

    I’m loving the third one actually. It looks like it just enhances your natural lip color.

    I never wear lipstick because not only doesn’t it stay on but I find it dries my lips out. I have various lip balms in every purse, pocket, drawer etc in my home and office. It’s crazy.

    1. As much as I wish I could be one of those girls who can pull off the ‘pin up’ red lips… I guess it’s just not happening! I’ll definitely have to try the third one out in the real world!

      I currently have TWO sticks of chapstick on my desk right now…

  3. I am SO glad you posted about this. I do lip gloss all the time because I feel like I can’t screw it up (and I need moisture) but I’m super scared of lipstick because what if it gets streaked? Looks weird? Does that make my teeth too yellow??? So this sounds perfect. Love those second and third shades for myself, though I would totally rock the first one for dressy occasions. I also like ELF lip stains, but they do tend to wear a bit through lip gloss applications.

    1. If you try them out, get them at Target instead of Walgreens. They were like $10 each at Walgreens, but I saw them at Target for $7! Also, tag me on your instagram pic so I can check you out! =)

  4. I love chapstick! Really, the fancy EOS egg ones, and Burts Bees. But I think I will try this! I like the second two, I would love to have something that has a little color and a little shiny.

  5. I’m so glad you tried this out! I’m a no makeup at all kind of girl because I live in Texas and it always drips off my face 2.435 seconds after I walk out the door! I bought a tube of this today and i’m in love!!! It didn’t go ANYWHERE!!! It was amazing! Thank you!

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