Jack’s room has seen many, many changes over the last 8+ years. First, it had a crib set up. Then, we switched that to a toddler bed. Then, a twin bed. And THEN a queen bed. At one point we had a rocking recliner. Then, we had a chair and ottoman in the corner. Finally, we added a desk a couple months ago for online schooling. Basically the only thing that hasn’t moved is his dresser.
So yeah… it’s been quite the work in progress.
Which brings us to updating part of his room. Here is the before:

When we added his desk to the wall, we kept the leather chair and ottoman even though it was obviously too big for the space. I typically shove the ottoman over to the desk so that I have something to sit on when we work on homework each afternoon.

Next to the chair/ottoman is a green nightstand that I thrifted and painted when I was pregnant. The paint is starting to chip, so I was already thinking I needed to either repaint it or replace it.
But what I really wanted was more storage! We currently have an absolute crap-load of LEGOS in what is now the playroom/workout room. However, our plan is to turn that room into a new master bathroom + walk in closet (MY DREAM!!). So, I’ve been slowly but surely purging and purging the toys out of that side of the room. It has actually been relatively easy, since an 8-year-old plays with a lot less STUFF than a toddler does.
I was really looking for something that would let me move the playroom stuff to Jack’s bedroom… without making it into a huge mess.
So, my fingers did a little walking on the Target website and here’s what I bought:
- 11” 3-2-1 Cube Organizer – $40
- 11” fabric storage bin – $4 each
- 11” medium wave design basket – $6 each
I bought 3 fabric storage bins and 2 baskets, bringing my total cost to: $64. I also added a previously thrifted rug to the space, but everything else was already in his room.
And here is the after:

To be honest, the storage organizer is a bit smaller than I expected. Also, NOT the best quality. It seemed a little flimsy until I secured it to the wall. I would not recommend this for a younger child who would be tempted to climb on it. It does a great job of storing all his stuff though… and it keeps everything looking relatively neat too.
Jack insisted on posing for this photo:

All in all, I’m pretty happy with the room upgrade. Especially for just $64. I’m sure as Jack continues growing, his room will continue to see many more changes.
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The best storage organizer I have found is from Walmart, there Better Homes and Garden Organizers. They are very stable, made with thick boards and many different sizes and finishes. We have a 4-cube in my son’s room for a nightstand and an 8-cube for game/lego storage in the play area. https://www.walmart.com/browse/home/better-homes-gardens-storage-cubes/4044_90828_1230059_1511091
Thanks for the recommendation!
Ugh, Lego storage! My kids were struggling because they wanted to put sets back together, but it was too difficult to find the right pieces in the big bin we had. So, I organized by color and a couple years later it is still working well! I went with two of these: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00447O78G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_6QK0FbE9MS8QF
I love the way organizing by color looks! Jack likes to initially build a project according to the instructions, and then rip it apart and make something from his imagination.
It looks great! We are going to redo our back bedroom. It is a storage hell right now, but I have ideas…
Thank you! I’m just attacking room after room while I’m stuck at home! haha