Like many of you stuck at home during this coronavirus quarantine, my roots have been growing out. According to my handy-dandy little calendar reminder back when I had plans that weren’t scratched out… 3/31 was when I hit 10 weeks since my last colorist appointment. Which means my roots were driving me CRAZY.
I’ve talked about Overtone before: initial post and 6 month update post. Well, I’ve been doing a mix of colorist appointments and Overtone Vibrant Orange conditioner for the past 2+ years and it’s been working wonderfully to keep me just the right amount of ginger that I like to see in the mirror.
My only complaint about Overtone was that it doesn’t stick to my un-dyed roots, which made my colorist appointments necessary. However, I saw they came out with a new version called “Vibrant Orange for Brown Hair” so I decided to give it a try.
I instagrammed it and gave a mini-review at the time (click the arrow to see all the photos).
Long story short, it still did not stick to my roots. Here they are one week after Overtone in all their 10 week of re-growth glory:

Since we have basically no hope of hair salons opening for another month (at least), I decided that now was the perfect time to try boxed hair dye again. Normally, I’m not the type of person who would be scared of boxed dye. In fact, I dyed my own hair starting at age 15 and did a ton of different colors – red, purple streaks, green streaks, pink streaks, etc.
HOWEVER, 5 years ago I grabbed a box of dye and it straight up ruined my hair. You can read about it and see pictures here: Ginger(ish). The box dye totally messed up my hair to the extent that I had to go to the salon and spend three hours getting the color stripped out, adding in highlights, and then re-adding in an all-over color. It was time consuming and expensive… and I learned my lesson. Ever since then, I’ve let my colorist handle my hair color.
Until now.
I went ahead an added a box of Feria Intense Copper C74 to my Amazon order. It looks awfully orange on the box, but it was the closet to my current spicy ginger I’ve been enjoying. If the color was off, I’d use Overtone again to try to get it where I want it (since it should then stick to the dyed hair).
Also I figured, if it looked horrible, it would probably fade in the weeks/month(s) before I see people. See, quarantine BRIGHT SIDE!
So here we go… I mixed up the dye and sectioned my hair into 4 sections. The dye looks incredibly pastel orange, but I’d already committed at this point. I followed the directions for a ‘touch up’ rather then the full all-over-color job. I saturated my roots for 15 minutes. And then went ahead and added to the color to the rest of my hair and waited 10 more minutes.
Here’s some photos from the process:
In the past, I’ve always erred on the side of leaving the dye on too long. But this time, I tried to slap it in as quickly as possible and keep my timing a little on the light side. So rather than a full 15 minutes to start, I timed myself putting the dye on the roots (which took about 3 minutes) and then just left it on for 12 minutes more or so.
And I somehow got lucky! Because this time the dye did exactly what it was supposed to and blended my roots into the rest of my hair color!

So. Much. Better. And I feel like myself again!

Now, the big question is… will I return to my stylist when this is all over?
Oh, and also welcome to the big reveal of my blog update! I had been having some issues with comments showing up correctly, so I updated the whole look of my blog to fix it. I know change is hard, but do you like it?
That looks great! I am always looking for red color for my hair. That really worked! I was using Perfect 10, from Amazon, but they don’t always have it. I was getting it done at a salon, but found this custom color place, online I am going to try. I get a discount, too. I will let you know what it is if it works. But, you have found a good one there.
I didn’t realize you changed your blog. Looks nice! I love the cows at the top. It looks like a new picture. Thanks for sharing the color information! Have a good day.
Thank you Nancy! I did edit the photo a bit for a cleaner updated look. Glad you like it and good luck with your new color!
I love the blog update! Now I can read the comments again. And the “picture-swipe-thing” is pretty awesome.
I’m glad the boxed hair dye worked so well and your hair looks great!