Thank You for Making My Day

So many times I see the sour side of social media.

You know what I mean – the penis enlarging porn spam, the much-more-than-snarky tweets and those troll comments where people just splash their hate around all over the place.

However, most of the time I’ve been pretty darn lucky.
{knock on wood}

I’ve “met” some other bloggers who I’m super excited to meet in person at BlogHer this summer (specifically Katie from Words for Worms, Chrissy at Quirky Chrissy and Kari at A Grace Full Life).* I also have some frequent commenters on both my blog and my Facebook page that I wish I could get together with for a cup of coffee. Or a hard cider.

red dressYesterday I was feeling exceptionally saucy in my brand new dress and posted a picture of myself on my page. My goal was to just share my happiness about looking kinda nice for the day.

Well, 38 of you took the time to click “like” on my picture and over a dozen comments were left with really sweet compliments.

Not one person used that opportunity to tell me I was ugly, or fat, or anything terrible that I see spewed online almost every single day.

Frankly, you made my day.

YOU made me feel pretty. All day long, I floated around on a cloud of feeling great about myself and it’s partially because of YOU.

See what power you have?

So thank you. Thank you so much for being awesome.

And in the vein of full honesty, at the moment I do not look anywhere as nice as I did yesterday. Within a space of about 90 minutes this morning my son wiped his banana-covered hands on my shirt as I left for work, I spilled my coffee in my lap AND I dipped my hair in cream cheese. So, in other words… we’re back to normal.

I wish you all a wonderful long holiday weekend and would love it if you took a couple minutes out of your Friday to compliment someone else and spread the love!

* If you’re going to BlogHer in Chicago, please let me know because I’d love to meet all my online friends in person while I’m there!

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I wish I was a Fashion Blogger

I love reading other people’s blogs.  I guess that’s what inspired me to start my own blog. Well that and the fact that every time I’d tell a random story with arms flailing around, someone would inevitably say “you should have a blog!” Well, I’m nothing if not accommodating.

Actually, I’m not really that accommodating. I’m just kind of an attention ho and checking the stats on this little blog of mine is good for my ego.

Anyways, I love reading blogs about motherhood craziness, stories about clumsiness, DIY home décor projects, reviews of books that I never have the chance to read, and so on and so forth. I have a bunch of my favorite blogs saved on my gmail reader and visit them whenever I have a chance.

I also have a couple of those other blogs. You know, the fashion blogs. I wrote that in italics because you totally need to say it with whispered reverence in your voice. Kind of like how those hyenas said Mufasa in The Lion King. Try it: fashion blogs. See, that’s totally what I mean.

Fashion bloggers are WAY cooler than me. I’m sure that many of them are as sweet as pie, but I met a couple at last year’s BlogHer conference that caused me to immediately regress to feeling like that dork in middle school with the perm and braces. And yes, I totally had a spiral perm and braces at the same time because it was the late eighties/early nineties and I didn’t know any better.

I have two favorite fashion blogger’s that I visit on a regular basis. I’m not going to post them here because I kind of don’t want them to click back through and point and laugh at me. They are both impossibly cool and obviously have much, much better wardrobes than me. And better cameras. And they’re skinnier. I love reading their blogs though, because they always put together these amazing outfits from everyday pieces that look FANTASTIC on them.

Well, I wish I was cool like them.

I have what I’ll call a “lazy” wardrobe. I pretty much wear the same thing to work each day – black pants, a shirt or tank top and a sweater. Every single day. I mean, I look presentable… just not COOL. Frankly, it’s easy but pretty boring. In the summer I have a few cute work dresses, but when it’s cold outside I dress more for comfort and warmth.

I was going to include a picture of my in my normal "uniform" but couldn't find a recent full body picture. I did find this picture from 2010 though...
I was going to include a picture of my in my normal “uniform” but couldn’t find a recent full body shot. I did find this picture of me sitting on an egg from 2010 though…

When I’m not at work I’m either in my “I might leave the house” outfit of jeans (Gap), a t-shirt (Lucky), a hoodie/fleece (Under Armour or North Face) and boots (No idea, they’re super old and I love them). If I’m not leaving the house I live in the exact same outfit but switch out the jeans with yoga pants. That’s pretty much it. I do have a couple really pretty scarves that I throw on over everything, so maybe I’m like 1/18 cool.

I really WANT to be one of those saucy chicks that wear the adorable fitted skinny jeans, knee boots, three layered flowy tops that somehow make them look both busty and skinny and an artfully draped scarf… but I’m not.

Half the time I don’t give a darn that I’m not one of the fashionably dressed and the other half I’m totally jealous that somehow other working mom’s out there look so much more put together than me.

So, what’s your trick? Are you one of those ladies who always look adorable? If so, give me some tips! If not, what is your ‘go to’ outfit that you keep wearing again and again and again?

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Bloggy News & Thank You Smooches

Let me start this off by saying that I love my blog. Love, love, love it.

After spending years writing in other people’s voices in various marketing positions, it was just so great to be able to unleash my own voice on the world. When I started Pocketful of Joules, I wasn’t really sure if anyone would bother to read what I wrote, I just loved writing for writing sake.

Over the past year and a half, my blog has grown mostly organically by word of mouth. And I appreciate each and every one of my readers. Even when it was only 3 of you (hi Mom, Lindsay and Annie!).

After attending the BlogHer conference a few weeks ago, I came away feeling both intimidated and inspired. I wanted to make my blog bigger, but wasn’t really sure how to accomplish that. I already work a full-time job (on top of working another full-time job as mommy to my 6 month old), but if you love something – really, really love it – you’ll figure out a way to make it happen.

My ad button I threw together before I could wimp out.

At pretty much the exact same time that I was thinking that I needed to do something, Kim from Let Me Start By Saying tweeted out a ½ price special to advertise on her website. I was a little intimidated, I mean it’s not like I’m one of the cool kids of blogging – but you have to believe in yourself first, right? I put together a little ad button, sent it through and within a few hours my very first ad showed up on her site!

Do you have any idea how it feels to see your cartoon face on someone’s super funny blog? It feels AWESOME, is how it feels. And it totally made my week that I was able to take advantage of her advertising special. If you haven’t already, stop by Let Me Start By Saying – she’s hilarious and you’ll totally snort a little reading her posts. You can also follow her on twitter here: @LetMeStart

In addition to my day being made by Kim, I ended up meeting another awesome lady in the twitter world, Rebecca from the Frugalistablogdotcom. Basically we had a little lovefest on twitter and she encouraged me to set up a Pocketful of Joules facebook page. I had been dragging my feet because I totally feared that I’d only have 2 likes on the page (which would be one from me and maybe one of my sisters) and die of embarrassment. Long story short, I put on my big girl panties and did it.

Rebecca gets a total gold star for being so awesome and supportive to a girl she never even met in person. Not to mention, she thinks I’m funny, which means that I love her. You should stop by and visit her blog – and while you’re there be sure to tell her that she’s incredibly awesome and nice and really pretty too! You can also follow her on twitter here: @rebeccatg88

If you’re a new reader because of one of these fabulous ladies, I’d like to welcome you to my blog. You can also find me on twitter here: @joulesdellinger and facebook here:  Pocketful of Joules page.

I was looking for a snappy little video to close this blog post and was thinking I’d do something kind of girl power-ish, like “Girls Run the World” by Beyonce or something by the Spice Girls. Then, I came across this and knew it was perfect: “Girl Power” by Kara:

Okay, so now that you’ve watched (did you make it through more than a few seconds?) – they are singing in English a little bit, right? Because every time I think there are English words, something decidedly un-English comes out… Oh and Potter totally needs one of those jewel encrusted vests that the bunny rabbit is wearing at :17.

Have a great Sunday Funday!

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