It’s very likely that you don’t know, because even the people who have “liked” me on Facebook aren’t guaranteed to see my posts. But that’s a rant for another day…
Anywho, I AM over on Facebook and sometimes I post funny stuff. Well, it’s funny to ME. And sometimes other people too.
Here are some of my thoughts from the past 24 hours:
So if you cracked a smile at that (or even did a half-hearted snort laugh), stop by and “like” me.
Because, I like you. I really do.
And I’m super jealous of those people who have like 1,000 likes. Or 10,000 likes. Honestly I would just have a crazy plasticy Blurred Lines kind of party if I got to 600 likes. Just saying.
It’s true. I’m a liker and frankly it’s gotten a bit out of hand.
I like things on Facebook. Sometimes because I genuinely like what someone has said. Other times I want to show a commenter that I totally hear them and empathize with their status update.
Hey you. I like you. So Thumbs Up for being awesome!
On Twitter, I like by hitting the favorite’s star to acknowledge someone’s witty tweet or as a way of saying, “Me Too!” or “Holy crap, we’re sisters from another mother!”
I like with a thumbs up on Pandora so that the music monster can learn what I prefer to rock out to. I also give a thumbs up on Tivo to indicate that I may want to see a show again, but not enough to commit to a season’s pass.
As for my fellow bloggers, if I don’t have anything to add to a post or something funny to say in the comments, I like it as a sign of support. Kind of like a little message of “I like you and totally read this post because you rock.”
All this liking has started to brainwash me. Today I heard a good song on the radio and immediately reached my hand out to it as if to like the song. Last week, I enjoyed a funny email and had the fleeting thought that I should give the writer my feedback in the form of a like.
So yes, I’m a serial liker.
Perhaps I need to unplug from social media a little more on the weekends, before I start trying to give my husband a non-verbal thumbs up for a really good kiss.