Trying to Be a Diva

You know how you make plans and pretty much everything stands in the way from them becoming reality? Well, that is what happened over the weekend.

My friend LeeAnne (you can totally follow her for fitness inspiration here) and I had been looking forward to the Diva 5k for months. In fact, we knew it sold out quickly so we registered online and booked our hotel room back in June. We planned to drive to Virginia on Friday, run the race, stay in a hotel overnight and then go wine hopping the next day.

Sounds like a pretty great plan, right?

Well, fast forward to this past week when I got super sick. A cold worked its way into my lungs and I ended up having to get a nebulizer treatment and go on 6 days of steroids. I was feeling a bit better by Friday morning, but still not great.

At the same time as I was dealing with lung issues, LeeAnne realized that she never received a registration confirmation. So, she called to check on it and found out that not only had she NOT registered, but that the race was now full.

We are both optimists though, so we crossed our fingers that they’d have some no-show spaces open up. When we went to the registration expo to pick up my bag/number/tutu/etc, we were told that there were absolutely, positively NO spaces available for LeeAnne.

Which we heard as, “so you’re saying that there is still a chance?”

We went back to our hotel, changed into our running clothes and returned to the race hotel to take some pictures.

Diva 1

Diva 2

We also did another walk-by of the Expo and asked about no-shows, only to be shot down yet again. This was around the same time that I started second-guessing whether it was a good idea for me to run the race. My lungs still were not clear and I didn’t want to be out of commission for the rest of the trip because I pushed myself too hard. Not to mention, it’s no fun running the race without my buddy!

THEN, something miraculous happened… we found a sad discarded tutu hanging out all by its lonesome self on a counter. It had a little rip in it, so we figure someone got a replacement and discarded this one. Score for us though!

Diva 3

I randomly decided to have LeeAnne give a big jump while I took a picture of her and this is the magic that I captured:

Diva 4

Look at her — she’s souring like an eagle. Or a cheerleader. Or some kind of amazing tutu-wearing bird! So then, obviously, I needed a leaping picture…

Diva 5

Huh. That didn’t really turn out like I was hoping…. So, I tried again. And again. And again…

Diva 7

Diva 8

Diva 9

So yeah, I am not graceful or eagle-like, but I was also laughing so hard that I almost peed my tutu. So, I’m going to consider that a win! I also made this ridiculous video that makes me snort-laugh a little, so I hope you enjoy it too!

Long story short, neither of us ended up running the race. We cheered on other runners, ran around in our tutus and had an all-around fabulous time though. In fact, we had such a great time that we decided that we are definitely coming back next year.

And next year we will actually register for the race and run it.

When is the last time something didn’t go according to plan for you, but ended up super awesome anyways?

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4 thoughts on “Trying to Be a Diva”

  1. love love love! So much fun!! and I still think the jumping pictures were my favorite part of the weekend! im still laughing! That or when we thought we were ordering small tastings of appetizers at dinner lol

  2. Ok, this almost made me pee my….dress just now! Too funny! Perhaps you can take away from this that your photography skills are stronger than LeeAnne’s? No offense LeeAnne! I’m glad you found the upside. From someone who doesn’t like running, getting the cool number and tutu without having to run…well, that would be a major win for me for sure!

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