Unplugged at Sea

Last summer was the first time since I started my blog that I took a week off.

That’s right, I just up and went to the beach for a week without scheduling any blog posts. I was still around on Facebook and Instagram, but all in all it was a really nice little break.

Well, this time I’m going hardcore with NO social media. That’s right… no blogging, no Instagram, no Facebook, NOTHING for an entire week while we are out of the country on our family cruise.

We could pay for wi-fi… but I don’t wanna.
Instead of a phone or computer, this will be my view:


Oh, and by the way… I’m already gone. So if you have left any comments on anything this week, they won’t go through until we return. Same goes with emails and facebook messages. I promise to get back to you all when we return to Maryland.

In the meantime… peace out!

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

2 thoughts on “Unplugged at Sea”

  1. 1. I read the title of this email to the tune of “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid. I’m assuming that was your intention 😉

    2. GOOD! Unplug and HAVE FUN! Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back!

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