Who is Your Movie Star Crush?

I thought it would be fun to talk crushes today! Specifically, do you have a movie star crush? Back when I used to watch a lot of television, I had a bunch of crushes. I would shoot heart-eyes at Booth from Bones, Sawyer from Lost, and Vaughn from Alias.

{Apparently I have a thing for television characters that go by one name…}

Nowadays, I stream my television and I just haven’t had a TV star crush in a while. But, MOVIE star crushes… I’ve got me one of those!

And it is none other than The Rock.

He’s handsome. He’s fit. He’s hilarious. He isn’t afraid to show his emotions. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and he is gaga over his family and specifically the women in his family. What’s not to like?!

So now it’s your turn. Who is your movie star crush and why?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

2 thoughts on “Who is Your Movie Star Crush?”

  1. It used to be Matthew McConaughey…those rolled up sleeves in A Time to Kill? Mmm. But he’s gotten kind of yucky over the years. Currently crushing on Richard Madden (if you haven’t binged The Bodyguard yet, please stop what you are doing and start!).

    1. Booth was handsome. I still like Tom Selleck, and think David Muir is hunky, although he could probably be my son. Eww. I agree about Mcconaughey, his face is strange. Maybe he had work done. Those commercials he does are depressing, and he looks so lonely. Poldark is cute, but his character is sort of a jerk. Still….I used to like Pierce Brosnan, but not so much now. This was fun! I don’t give this much thought. Maybe I should!

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