Why I do What I Do: You

Nobody wants to hear a blogger whine and complain about blogging. When it comes down to it, we all have our reasons for starting our blogs and for keeping them going over the years.

At this point, I’ve had Pocketful of Joules for almost exactly 5 years and I’ve posted three days a week for most of that time.

Which, when you come to think of it, is pretty darn cool.

I posted through losing my job. I posted through having my baby 2 months early. I posted about decorating our new home. I posted about fashion, even though I wasn’t really comfortable in my after-baby body. I’ve posted about Jack growing up over the years. I’ve posted about my goals and whether I’ve reached them or just buried them with yummy donuts.

And many of you came along with me for the whole ride.

You may not realize it, but I DO recognize the names of those who frequently comment on my posts and leave notes on my Facebook page. I recognize you AND I appreciate you.

But every so often, one of you makes me cry.
Which is what happened when Stephanie sent me a message a couple weeks ago.

I was going through one of those phases where I was truly trying to decide what to do with blogging. I was thinking that maybe I needed to take a little social media break to get my head on straight again. It can get super frustrating when you post and post and post… but you don’t really grow. Not that I want to be HUGE, but growth makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something.

Then, on a lazy Saturday morning I checked my Facebook messages and saw this:

FB message

I know my blog is silly sometimes… because I’m silly. But just to know that by typing words onto a screen is somehow positively affecting someone’s day is amazing.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that everyone has the opportunity to spread good. For me, it may be in a silly blog post, but for anyone doing something as simple as giving a compliment may change someone’s day.

Stephanie changed my day.
You ALL change my day when I hear from you.

And for that, I want to say thank you.

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21 thoughts on “Why I do What I Do: You”

  1. How wonderful and rewarding! I really enjoy your blog, you’re funny and I really enjoy your fashion posts! I too am not a perfect size 0 or 2, and so it’s nice to see someone who looks like me having fun with clothes! Keep up the good work.

      1. That is exactly why I like reading your fashion posts! I love seeing what the clothing would actually look like on me. I’m going to continue to be a reader!

  2. You absolutely make a difference in real life, and through your blog. I love that Stephanie took the time to message you. I feel like that’s the virtual equivalent to a yummy donut 🙂

  3. I found you off of pinterest and started following along because I like the way you present your stitchfix and other fashion posts! I just talked my boss into trying Trunk Club, which is no 100 lb weight loss but still something that you influenced! Keeping up with blogging is hard but I hope you’re able to find or regain a balance that works for you. Good luck!

  4. So awesome for you to hear that you have had an impact on someone, just being you! I know I read your blog because I can relate to you! I think you have more of an impact on people than you realize! Go on with your bad self! Don’t be so hard on yourself!

    Also, Congrats to Stephanie on 100 pounds! Amazing!

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