Wintery Goodness

So if you follow me on Facebook y0u already know that I’m off of work and totally enjoying a snow day today! I don’t think this random snowy Wednesday could get any better than homemade pancakes for breakfast, hanging out with my boys and catching up on my Tivo’ed shows.

Even though it’s been snowing since before we woke up, there doesn’t seem to be too much accumulating — so we ran outside this afternoon to let Jack experience his first snow before it melted away!


looking down

me and jack

t and jack

I don’t think he cracked a smile the entire time we were outside! He basically just tolerated us jumping around in the snow until we brought him back inside and let him loose from his snow clothes. Maybe next year he’ll be more excited to make a snowman…

So if you have snow where you are, be sure to take a minute to go outside and catch some on your tongue. I tried to get Jack to do it, but he thought I was just trying to get him to lick me.

Also, if you haven’t already voted for the 2013 Bloggie Awards, I’d really appreciate if you click over there and vote for Pocketful of Joules in the “Best Kept Secret” category!

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