You Win Some, You Lose Some

I was in a ‘treating myself’ kind of mood last week and had the brilliant idea to order myself a grown up gift box. I’ve been loving Jack’s monthly Citrus Lane gift boxes, so I thought that getting a box especially for me would be just the thing I needed to pull myself out of the winter sadness that everyone seems to get this time of year.

I googled around for some different subscription box options and ended up ordering the “Lovely” gift box from Indie Gift Box. The company works with independent artists and small businesses to send you a few different surprise items. I’m obsessed with etsy and pretty much want everything they show on their main page, so I thought this would be a good chance for me to try something new.

And I wanted to love it.

I really, really truly did. And I did love the CONCEPT of the box…. just not the actual box.

My “Lovely” box contained:

  • Three vinyl decals from threethirtysix (some small hearts, a rose and a small ‘you are loved’ heart.
  • A handmade Valentine’s Day card from issaino.
  • A bottle of citrus scented lotion from Blue Orchid Botanicals.
  • A pair of fabric button earrings from Puddingcups.
  • A postcard and silver-tone minimalist necklace from EEF LLC.

The box was $20.00 + $6.00 shipping. The value of the box was more than that, which is great. Unfortunately, I didn’t really like anything from the box.

Actually, that’s a lie. I did like the Valentine’s Day postcard. It is really cute and I’ll probably give it to my husband. Since my hubby is my only Valentine, I guess he’ll get the other card too. Or I can leave it on his dresser with a note to write something nice inside for me, but that sounds really super lame.

Source: threethirtysix listing on

I kind of like the “you are loved” vinyl decal, but I have no idea what I would use it for. On their website they show the decals used on laptop covers, but I’m thinking a “You are Loved” decal might be a bit inappropriate for my work laptop. Well, maybe not inappropriate. Just weird.

I love lotions and potions, but really do not like the citrus scent of the lotion from Blue Orchid Botanicals. That’s obviously a personal preference thing though, so I’ll probably throw it in a box of stuff that I grab from for giveaways in the hopes that someone else would enjoy it.

The fabric button earrings are absolutely NOT my style. Um, I actually kind of hate them. Which is so mean, I know. And I’m totally sorry if you’re the person who made these things. Maybe a small child might like them? Or a hipster? I don’t know. Maybe not. They’re pretty ugly. (Of course, I just went on their page to grab a picture for you guys and there is a comment from someone who loved her earrings. So maybe I’m just so terribly out-of-style that I don’t know cute when I see it? Here’s the link).

The necklace actually DOES look like something that I would wear, but in person it looks super cheap. There are other necklaces on the EEF website that I like a lot better than the one I was sent (especially the cute star), but that’s the beauty of surprise gift boxes… you DON’T pick out what you get.

So instead of this box being a super awesome gift to myself that I’m excited to share with you, it’s just kind of a disappointment.

I don’t have anything against the company, I’m sure that someone else who received my exact box might totally love everything included. Just not me. And I’m kind of kicking myself for wasting the $26.00, when all I’m going to use is the $2 postcard. Needless to say, I will not be ordering another Indie Gift Box for myself.

And before anyone points it out, I know I sound like a total sourpuss today. I’m actually in a totally fine mood. I was just shocked that I didn’t really like anything in this box. Maybe my standards were too high, but I really expected more. There are so many wonderful artists out there who are making reasonably priced crafts that I just thought there might be SOMETHING that I loved in this box.

Oh well, I tried.

I do still have high hopes for two other subscription boxes that will be delivered to my door this month: the January boxes from both Citrus Lane and Bluum. The Bluum box is a one-time tryout thing because I came across a 50% discount, so maybe it will be a surprise winner that is exploding with awesomeness.

So here’s your chance to chime in. Have you tried a subscription box service for you or your kids? They have boxes for EVERYTHING now – I saw some with everything you need to make a recipe, monthly craft kits for kids (that I’d totally do), makeup samples, and even sassy adult playthings!

Update: I used my “You are loved” and heart decals and I absolutely LOVE them now. Check it out!

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

7 thoughts on “You Win Some, You Lose Some”

  1. I got one box of a three month ‘fisherman’s’ subscription and immediately canceled the next two. For $26 I got three sample plastic bait packages similar to the samples GIVEN away at sport shows, a package of assorted hooks all far too large for freshwater fish, a 100 yard spool of fishing line ( didn’t know they made that small a spool, two useless decals and a pamphlet about invasive plant species. Absolutely everything was probably leftover junk from fishing shows. I’ll never make the ‘grab bag’ mistake again!

    1. Wow, that sucks and they could have really hooked you up with something really cool. And yes, I know I made a dumb pun. That’s how I roll.

    2. OMG Dad. I love you. But you’re talking about fishing supplies on my internet friend’s blog! Lord you’ve got your own fan base now. I must insist that you comment only as “The Worm Dad” or something, so at least I can track your activities…

  2. I have a box coming from In a Pretty Box. I won it in a giveaway, so I’m curious to see what will be inside of it. With my luck it will come next week when I’m not here.

    That being said, I don’t like the button earrings either…not really my style. And the picture of the necklace up close looks like plastic beads…Also, I hate anything orange/citrus smelling…

    1. I just checked out their site and it looks pretty similar to the one I tried. Let me know if you like it, maybe I’ll try them next month!

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